Draw Near Poetic Prayers

Draw Near Poetic Prayers
[This resource is also included in our DRAW NEAR ADVENT BUNDLE]
These 5 short poetic prayers illuminate a spiritual longing to draw near to God. Honest and pure, they reflect on drawing near to wonder, truth, justice, love and one another as means to connect more deeply to God. We hope you might adapt them for worship liturgy, or print them as they are for members in your community to read and return to throughout the season of Advent.
Prayers written by Sarah Are.
I wonder if the earth is waiting for a Messiah like I am—
Trees bending toward love,
fireflies keeping a promise to be light,
the moon returning over and over again
with hope that the world will look differently this time. . .
—Excerpt from "Draw Near to Wonder"
There is no option for part of my heart to break,
for a fraction of my mind to recognize truth,
for just one of my legs to march.
It’s all or nothing,
my life or our lives,
daylight or darkness. . .
—Excerpt from "Draw Near to Justice"
And without you,
how could I know God with green eyes,
God with brown skin,
God with wrinkles,
God within. . .
—Excerpt from "Draw Near to One Another"
Download includes:
PDF print-ready file of the prayers (for you to print and distribute to members, or copy/paste for worship liturgy).
Includes the following prayers:
Draw Near to Wonder
Draw Near to Truth
Draw Near to Justice
Draw Near to One Another
Draw Near to Love
Print the prayers and distribute them to members in your community
Adapt the prayers as your Call to Worship for each Sunday throughout Advent
Incorporate the prayers into your Advent wreath candle lighting liturgy
Use the prayers in a bible study group or Sunday school to deepen your reflection on drawing near to God
Use the poetry to inspire your own liturgy and sermon writing
Credit Info:
When printing and sharing online or in worship, please always include the following credits:
Prayers by Sarah Are | A Sanctified Art LLC | sanctifiedart.org