Advent Wreath Candle Lighting Liturgy (2018)

Advent Wreath Candle Lighting Liturgy (2018)
[This resource is one of many in our DRAW NEAR ADVENT BUNDLE]
These words offer fresh language for drawing near to hope, peace, joy and love throughout Advent. Download includes Advent wreath candle-lighting liturgy for each week in Advent. Liturgy is formatted for multiple readers.
Voice A: I used to think that I had to find love for it to find me.
Voice B: But that was before I knew that love is that which breathes us into beginning.
Voice C: That was before I knew that love had already found me, never letting me go.
Voice A: Friends, today we light the candle of love as a reminder that it is from love that we are made,
Voice B: it is in love that we are raised,
Voice C: and it is for love that we are sent.