Conversations w/ God Advent Prayers

Conversations w/ God Advent Prayers
[This resource is also included in our 2017 Advent Bundle of resources]
These 4 short first-person “Conversations with God” poems reflect on hope, peace, love, and joy in a way that feels personal and intimate. These prayers are honest and pure, innocently child-like in their inquiry. We hope they invite you into a prayerful and intimate conversation with God throughout the weeks of Advent.
Prayers written by Sarah Are.
"God held me a little tighter and said, 'Little bird, remember how loved you are, and start small. Remove the stones of anger, hurt, and fear one at a time and peace will surely grow.'
Then God lifted up my arms and set me out to fly, and I realized
that, grounded in God’s love, I was beautiful and wild and free, and peace was a part of me. . . ."
—Excerpt from "Peace" by Sarah Are
Download includes:
- PDF print-ready file of the prayers (for you to print and distribute to members, or copy/paste for worship liturgy).
- Adapt the prayers as your Call to Worship for each Sunday in Advent
- Incorporate the prayers into your Advent wreath-lighting liturgy
- Use the prayers in a bible study group or Sunday school to deepen your reflection on the weekly themes of Advent
- Use the poetry to inspire your own liturgy and sermon writing
Credit Info:
When printing and sharing online or in worship, please always include the following credits:
Prayers by Sarah Are | A Sanctified Art LLC |