Breathe, Listen, and Notice Lent theme song (by Paul Vasile) BreatheListenandNotice_themesong_recording_EIB_SA.00_01_13_09.Still002.jpg

Breathe, Listen, and Notice Lent theme song (by Paul Vasile)

"Echolocation" Advent theme song (by The Bengsons) echolocation_5.jpg

"Echolocation" Advent theme song (by The Bengsons)

Return To You Lent theme song (by the FAPC Chapel Church Band) to love like you.jpg

Return To You Lent theme song (by the FAPC Chapel Church Band)

Sing it True Advent theme song (by the FAPC Chapel Church Band) sing it true cover 2.jpg

Sing it True Advent theme song (by the FAPC Chapel Church Band)

Seeking: Theme Song (by Spencer LaJoye)

Seeking: Theme Song (by Spencer LaJoye)

Full to the Brim Theme Song (by Paul Demer)

Full to the Brim Theme Song (by Paul Demer)

Again & Again Theme Song (by The Many)

Again & Again Theme Song (by The Many)

Close to Home Theme Song (by Barnaby Bright) theme song still 4.jpg

Close to Home Theme Song (by Barnaby Bright)

I've been meaning to ask... Video Vignettes raj_coverimage.png

I've been meaning to ask... Video Vignettes

Let There Be Worship Film (w/ Spoken Word Poetry) Lettherebepainting-19Resized1500.jpg

Let There Be Worship Film (w/ Spoken Word Poetry)

"Back to Back" Brokenness Worship Film broken-43.jpg

"Back to Back" Brokenness Worship Film

"Fast for Justice" Worship Meditation Film

"Fast for Justice" Worship Meditation Film

"Before the Fire" Time Lapse film & Visual (Acts 2:1-21) before the fire 1-1.jpg

"Before the Fire" Time Lapse film & Visual (Acts 2:1-21)

"I Will Sing" Magnificat Worship Film SAretreat (1 of 20).jpg

"I Will Sing" Magnificat Worship Film

"Light in Darkness" John 1 Worship Film john1-1.jpg

"Light in Darkness" John 1 Worship Film

Those Who Dream Theme Song (by The Many)

Those Who Dream Theme Song (by The Many)

Relent Lament Worship Film Screen Shot 2018-01-11 at 6.25.53 PM copy.png

Relent Lament Worship Film

EMBODIED Faith Silent Film

EMBODIED Faith Silent Film

Draw Near Worship Meditation Film draw_near_film.jpg

Draw Near Worship Meditation Film

The Wisdom of the Fig Tree Worship Film timelapse_cover.jpeg

The Wisdom of the Fig Tree Worship Film

God Couldn't Wait Christmas Worship Film xmas_worship_film1.jpg

God Couldn't Wait Christmas Worship Film
