Wandering Heart Children's Bulletins & Faith Map for Lent–Easter

Wandering Heart Children's Bulletins & Faith Map for Lent–Easter
[This resource is one of many included in our Wandering Heart Lent Bundle]
To engage all ages in worship, these printable children’s bulletins invite children to look and listen to all that is happening in worship and use their holy imagination. Each week’s bulletin includes a main idea and short retelling of the scripture, a closer look at the Wandering Heart icons, words to listen for during worship, and space for drawing and coloring in response to prompts. A printable faith map is also included to send home for children to follow Peter’s journey throughout Lent.
Children’s bulletin content written by Hannah Garrity. Faith map content written by Rev. Anna Strickland.
Download includes:
8 full-color PDF children’s bulletins for the six Sundays in Lent plus Easter Sunday and the Second Sunday of Easter.
Full-color PDF faith map with scavenger hunt prompts for throughout your home.
How to use the Children’s bulletins:
Print the bulletins on 8.5x11 paper and fold in thirds like a letter.
Place the bulletins at the entrance to your worship space and/or in children’s worship bags.
Include the bulletins in Sunday School or take-home activity bags.
Print the faith map on 11x17 paper to send home with families.
Hang the faith map on your fridge and use a magnet to follow Peter’s journey throughout Lent.
Credit Info:
Children’s bulletin content written by Hannah Garrity | Faith map content written by Rev. Anna Strickland | A Sanctified Art LLC | sanctifiedart.org