Seeking: Children's Bulletins for Lent–Easter (Year A)

Seeking: Children's Bulletins for Lent–Easter (Year A)
[This resource is one of many included in our Seeking Lent Bundle for Year A]
These weekly worship bulletins invite children (elementary age) to engage in worship through images, story, and observation of the space around them. Each week’s bulletin includes art inspired by the gospel story from the Year A Revised Common Lectionary, a main idea and short retelling of the gospel, a closer look at the Seeking logo, reflection prompts, words to listen for during worship, and space for drawing and coloring in response to prompts.
Content written by Hannah Garrity.
about the bulletins:
In addition to worship bulletins, this resource can also be used in Sunday School or at home. Our goals with the children’s bulletins were to help children, ages 5 to 12, engage in aspects of worship. On pages 1 and 2, children have an opportunity to explore the text-based artwork and logo for the season—through storytelling, Visio Divina contemplation, and coloring. On page 3, children attend to the word of God by listening for meaning in the story and coloring in the words as they hear them spoken in the service. Finally, on page 4 children observe the worship space to understand more fully the sights and sounds around them during worship.
Download includes:
7 full-color PDF children’s bulletins for the six Sundays in Lent plus Easter Sunday.
7 black and white versions of the children’s bulletins for economical printing.
How to use the Children’s bulletins:
Print the bulletins on 8.5x11 paper and fold in half to create an 8.5x5.5 children’s bulletin.
Place the bulletins at the entrance to your worship space and/or in children’s worship bags.
Include the bulletins in Sunday School or take-home activity bags.
Credit Info:
Children’s bulletin content written by Hannah Garrity | A Sanctified Art LLC |