90+ Creative Ministry Resources for Lent & Easter

This Lent marks our seventh year crafting art and resources inspired by the Revised Common Lectionary, which means we have a large inventory of materials to support you through the seasons of Lent and Easter. To save you time (and the hassle of searching your way through older resources in our shop), we thought we’d organize all we have to offer. Get your scrolling & clicking finger ready, because there’s a lot in here!

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35+ Children's Books for Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany

The nativity story has been passed down from generation to generation, and many authors have added their own take on the message of Christmas. We asked our Facebook group for some of their favorite Christmas picture books. Listed in this post are some of their favorites. We hope you’ll check them out at your library to read to the children in your family or in worship.

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We Sing This Story: A Lessons & Carols Service for Christmastide

This is a simple Lessons & Carols style service based around the texts in our From Generation to Generation series that can be used at any point during the Advent and Christmas season, perhaps on Christmas or New Year’s Day. You are free to adapt the following worship outline to fit your community. Most of the suggested carols are public domain. For any that are not traditional public domain carols, we have included alternate suggestions.

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Anna Strickland Comments
Full to the Brim—Songs for an Expansive Lent (Year C)

Here we’ve collected hymns and songs that work well with our Full to the Brim Lent theme and weekly sub-themes based on the Year C texts of the Revised Common Lectionary. We hope these lists help you as you’re planning meaningful worship services for the Lenten season.

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I've been meaning to ask... Children's Lessons

With a series focused on connection and community, we chose to introduce dialogue in as many places as we could. We selected a panel of four guest contributors, we created conversation cards, and we crafted our study journal with small group discussion in mind. Following that path, we have written corresponding children’s lessons in the form of a dialogue. Included for each week is a two-person script, questions to ask afterward, and a closing prayer, all based on each week’s sub-theme.

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I've been meaning to ask. . . Songs for Community

Whether at summer camp, protests, or in the pews, music has a way of bringing the community together. Here we’ve collected hymns and songs that work well with our “I’ve been meaning to ask...” worship series on curiosity, courage, and connection. Each week contains songs that speak to the weekly sub-theme and the scriptures we’ve selected. We hope these lists help you as you’re planning meaningful worship services.

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Again & Again, Our Lenten Refrains—Music Ideas for Lent

Here we’ve collected hymns and songs that work well with our new Again & Again Lent theme and weekly sub-themes based on the Year B texts of the Revised Common Lectionary. We have suggested many short and simple refrains (such as those from the Taizé community) which can help us embody the practice of repetition, repeating the same few lines again & again until they lodge in our souls like muscle memory. Some suggestions could also be used week after week to build patterns into your Lenten worship.

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Home for the Holidays: What to Include in an Advent at-Home Kit

We’ve seen many ministers preparing for Advent by assembling “Advent in a Box” take-home kits with everything families need to celebrate Advent and Christmas from home this season. We love this idea and encourage you to imagine what might go in your intergenerational Advent packages. Here are some ideas based on our Advent and Christmas resources.

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