From Generation to Generation... Music Ideas for Advent & Christmas
Music connects us across generations through lullabies and traditional songs. Here we’ve collected hymns and songs that work well with our From Generation to Generation… Advent–Epiphany theme and weekly sub-themes and texts. Included in this list are five original hymns for this series, set to traditional Christmas carols. You can download the sheet music here. We hope these lists help you to plan meaningful worship services in this season.
(Note: While we do not own the licensing rights to these songs—other than the hymns written specially for this series—we have linked to more information about the hymnals containing these songs or to other licensing options. Since U.S. law does not allow churches to “broadcast” recorded music without a particular license to do so—including music played in YouTube and Facebook live services—we encourage you to share recorded songs with your congregation by sharing a link to the video or our Spotify playlist in bulletins, emails, or social media to avoid copyright strikes in livestream worship.)
From Generation
to Generation…
Music for all season
Hymns and Congregational Songs
“From Generation to Generation” [↗]
Free use. Words: Debi Burns (2022) Tune: W ŻŁOBIE LEŻY (
Note: This hymn was inspired by our theme and could be used as a weekly refrain after the candle lighting.“God of Generations” [↗]
Free use. Words: Carolyn Winfrey Gillette (1998) Tune: NICAEA (“Lord, Thou Hast Been Our Dwelling Place” [↗]
Public domain. Words: Thomas H. Gill (1864) Tune: LUTHER’S HYMN (“God of Every Generation” [↗]
Words: Mary Nelson Keithahn (2001) Tune: WAUWATOSA ( D)“O God, Our Help in Ages Past” [↗]
Public domain. Words: Isaac Watts (1719) Tune: ST. ANNE (“We Will Tell Each Generation” [↗]
Words: Michael Perry (1989) Tune: RESTORATION (“God of Every Generation” [↗]
Words: Paul Marino and Greg Nelson (2006) Tune: HYFRYDOL ( with refrain)“You Are Good” [↗]
Words and music: Israel Houghton
First Sunday of Advent
There is room for every story | Matthew 1:1-17
Hymns and Congregational Songs
“Through the Ages” [↗]
Free use. Words: Anna Strickland (2022) Tune: MUELLER (“Who'd Have Thought the Lord Almighty” [↗]
Public domain. Words and music: Leland Bryant Ross (1996)“In Matthew’s Gospel There Are Five” [↗]
Words: Mary Nelson Keithahn (1998) Tune: FAITH-MOTHERS ( D)“Bring Many Names” [↗]
Words: Brian A. Wren (1989) Tune: WESTCHASE (“God Made from One Blood” [↗]
Words: Thomas H. Troeger (1991) Tune: ST. DENIO (“In Christ There Is a Table Set for All” [↗]
Words and music: Robert Julian Stamps (1972)
Second Sunday of Advent
God meets us in our fear | Luke 1:26-38
Hymns and Congregational Songs
“Here I Am” [↗]
Free use. Words: Anna Strickland (2022) Tune: PICARDY (“God of Grace and God of Glory” [↗]
Public domain. Words: Harry Emerson Fosdick (1930) Tune: CWM RHONDDA (“The Summons” [↗]
Words: John L. Bell (1987) Tune: KELVINGROVE (“The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came” [↗]
Public domain. Basque carol.“Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming” [↗]
Public domain. German, 15th cent.“Be Not Afraid” [↗]
Words and music: Bob Dufford (1975)
Third Sunday of Advent
We can choose a better way | Matthew 1:18-25
Hymns and Congregational Songs
“A Better Way” [↗]
Free use. Words: Anna Strickland (2022) Tune: GOD REST YOU MERRY ( with refrain)“Joseph Was Troubled” [↗]
Free use. Words: Carolyn Winfrey Gillette (2016) Tune: ADELAIDE ( D)“The Desert Shall Rejoice” [↗]
Words: Gracia Grindal (1983) Tune: STERLING (“Teach Me Thy Way, O Lord” [↗]
Public domain. Words: B. Mansell Ramsey (1919) Tune: CAMACHA (“O for a World” [↗]
Words: Miriam Therese Winter (1987) Tune: AZMON (“The Kingdom of God Is Justice and Joy” [↗]
Words: Bryn Rees (1973) Tune: LAUDATE DOMINUM (
Fourth Sunday of Advent
We see God in each other | Luke 1:39-56
Hymns and Congregational Songs
“The Jesus in Me” [↗]
Anonymous“We Belong to One Another” by Amanda Udis-Kessler [↗]
* The songwriter has given permission for free use of this song. Recording available here.“Blest Be the Tie That Binds” [↗]
Public domain. Words: John Fawcett (1782) Tune: DENNIS (“Christian Hearts in Love United” [↗]
Public domain. Words: Nicolaus Ludwig, Graf von Zinzendorf, trans. Frederick William Foster (1723) Tune: O DU LIEBE MEINER LIEBE ( D)“Ye Who Claim the Faith of Jesus” [↗]
Public domain. Words: V. S. S. Coles (1906) Tune: JULION (“Canticle of the Turning” [↗]
Words: Rory Cooney (1990) Tune: STAR OF THE COUNTY DOWN ( D)“Song of Mary” [↗]
Words: Miriam Therese Winter (1987) Tune: MORNING SONG (“Magnificat” [↗]
Words: Taizé Community (1978) Tune: MAGNIFICAT
Christmas Eve
We tell this story | Luke 2:1-20
Hymns and Congregational Songs
“We’ve a Story to Tell to the Nations” [↗]
Public Domain. Words and music: H. Ernest Nichol (1896)“Go, Tell It on the Mountain” [↗]
Public Domain. African-American spiritual.“Angels We Have Heard on High” [↗]
Public Domain. Traditional French carol.“Watchman, Tell Us of the Night” [↗]
Public Domain. Words: John Bowring (1825) Tune: WATCHMAN ( D)“Hark! The Herald Angels Sing [↗]
Public Domain. Words: Charles Wesley (1739) Tune: MENDELSSOHN ( D with refrain)“Angels From the Realms of Glory” [↗]
Public Domain. Words: James Montgomery (1816) Tune: REGENT SQUARE (
God dwells with us | John 1:1-14
Hymns and Congregational Songs
“God Became Flesh With Us to Dwell” [↗]
Free use. Words: Anna Strickland (2022) Tune: THE FIRST NOEL (Irr. with refrain)“Of the Father’s Love Begotten” [↗]
Public domain. Words: Aurelius Clemens Prudentius (4th cent.) Tune: DIVINUM MYSTERIUM (“He Came Down” [↗]
Public Domain. Cameroon traditional.“Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence” [↗]
Public Domain. Words: Gerard Moultrie (1864) Tune: PICARDY (“Before the World Began” [↗]
Words: John L. Bell and Graham Maule (1987) Tune: INCARNATION (“Love Came Down at Christmas” [↗]
Public Domain. Words: Christina Georgina Rossetti (1885) Tune: GARTAN (“When God Descends With Men to Dwell” [↗]
Public Domain. Words: Hosea Ballou (1808) Tune: MORNING HYMN (“Once in Royal David’s City” [↗]
Public Domain. Words: Cecil Frances Alexander (1848) Tune: IRBY (“Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne” [↗]
Public domain. Words: E. S. Elliot (1864) Tune: MARGARET (Irr.)
We keep seeking | Matthew 2:1-23
Hymns and Congregational Songs
“Always Seeking” [↗]
Free use. Words: Anna Strickland (2022) Tune: REGENT SQUARE (“Once Long Ago” [↗]
Free use. Words: Carolyn Winfrey Gillette (2008) Tune: SANDON (“As With Gladness Men of Old” [↗]
Public domain. Words: W. Chatterton Dix (1858) Tune: DIX (“Gentle Joseph Heard A Warning” [↗]
Words: Carl P. Daw (1990) Tune: IN BABILONE ( D)
*This hymn is also available as a choral arrangement from Selah Publishing Co. Purchase hard copies or PDF sheet music here.“Jesus Entered Egypt” [↗]
Words: Adam M. L. Tice (2007) Tune: KING’S WESTON ( D)
Rev. Anna Strickland
Operations Support & Content Creation
Rev. Anna Strickland (she/her/hers) looks for the Divine in the everyday like treasure in clay jars and first encountered God in the integration of her spiritual self and artistic self. She is a native Austinite and graduated from the University of Texas where she now works in college ministry, especially serving LGBTQ students.