Full to the Brim—Songs for an Expansive Lent (Year C)
Music can speak to us in ways words alone can’t, drawing us into the expansive life God desires for us. Here we’ve collected hymns and songs that work well with our Full to the Brim Lent theme and weekly sub-themes based on the Year C texts of the Revised Common Lectionary. We hope these lists help you as you’re planning meaningful worship services for the Lenten season.
Full to the Brim Original Music
This season, we’ve partnered with Paul Demer to create an original theme song for Full to the Brim. The music video and sheet music will be available soon for purchase. Bundle patrons will automatically receive access to the theme song. Additionally, we’ve written four original hymns to familiar hymn tunes for Holy Week (including Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday) and Easter. The tunes are all public domain, and the hymn texts are free for congregational use. You can download the sheet music for these hymns here.
(Note: While we do not own the licensing rights to these songs—other than the hymns and theme song written specially for this series—we have linked to more information about the hymnals containing these songs or to other licensing options. Since U.S. law does not allow churches to “broadcast” recorded music without a particular license to do so—including music played in YouTube and Facebook live services—we encourage you to share recorded songs with your congregation by sharing a link to the video or our Spotify playlist in bulletins, emails, or social media to avoid copyright strikes in livestream worship.)
music for all season
Full to the Brim { An expansive Lent
Hymns and Congregational Songs
“Lavish Love, Abundant Beauty” [↗]
Words: Ken Bible (1986) Tune: HYFRYDOL ( D)“Your Grace Finds Me” [↗]
Words and music: Matt Redman (2013)“Living Waters” [↗]
Words and music: Ed Cash & Kristyn Getty (2016)“Your Grace Is Enough” [↗]
Words and music: Matt Maher (2003)“We Hope Against All Hope” [↗]
Free use. Words: Carolyn Winfrey Gillette (2015) Tune: LEONI (
ash wednesday
Full to the Brim { With all that you are
Hymns and Congregational Songs
“With All That You Are” [↗]
Free use. Words: Stephen M. Fearing (2021) Tune: LYONS (“Just As I Am” [↗]
Public domain. Words: Charlotte Elliott (1834) Tune: WOODWORTH (“Lord, Thou Hast Searched Me” [↗]
Public domain. Words: The Psalter Hymnal (1927) Tune: O WALY WALY (“Great God, Your Love Has Called Us Here” [↗]
Words: Brian Wren (1973) Tune: DAS NEUGEBORNE KINDELEIN (“O Come Unto the Lord” [↗]
Words: Young taik Chun (1943) Tune: KOREA (Irr.)“Ash Wednesday Comes and, Lord, We Hear” [↗]
Free use. Words: Carolyn Winfrey Gillette (2011) Tune: TALLIS' CANON (
First sunday in lent
Full to the Brim { Even in the desert
Hymns and Congregational Songs
“Even in the Desert” [↗]
Free use. Words: Stephen M. Fearing (2021) Tune: ARNSBERT (“Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah” [↗]
Public domain. Words: William Williams (1745) Tune: CWM RHONDDA (“God Is Here Today” [↗]
Words: Raúl Galeano (1976), trans. C. Michael Hawn (1998) Tune: DIOS ESTÁ AQUÍ (Irr.)“Traveling Friend” [↗]
Words and music: Bryan Sirchio (2017)“Our Lord, You Were Sent” [↗]
Free use. Words: Carolyn Winfrey Gillette (2000) Tune: FOUNDATION (“Beautiful Things” [↗]
Words and music: Michael and Lisa Gungor (2009)
second sunday in lent
Full to the Brim { Under God’s wing
Hymns and Congregational Songs
“Jesus, Lover of My Soul” [↗]
Public domain. Words: Charles Wesley (1740) Tune: MARTYN ( D)“O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go” [↗]
Public domain. Words: George Matheson (1882) Tune: ST. MARGARET (“The Love of God” [↗]
Public domain. Words and music: Frederick M. Lehman (1917)“We Will Rest” [↗]
Free use. Words and music: Amanda Udis-Kessler (2020)“When Twilight Comes” [↗]
Words: Moises B. Andrade, trans. James Minchin (1990) Tune: DAPIT HAPON (“You Are the One” [↗]
Words and music: Jonathan Cole Dow and Johnetta Johnson Page (2002)“You Keep Coming After Me” [↗]
Words and music: Aaron Ivey, Brett Land, and Marcus Dawes (2020)
Third sunday in Lent
Full to the Brim { You are worthy
Hymns and Congregational Songs
“The Barren Fig Tree” [↗]
Public domain. Words: Elizabeth Scott (1769) Tune: PUER NOBIS (“The Lord of Earth and Sky” [↗]
Public domain. Words: Charles Wesley (18th cent.) Tune: RHOSYMEDRE (“Everyone is Worthy” [↗]
Free use. Words and music: Amanda Udis-Kessler (2018)“I Am a Child of God” [↗]
Words: Mary Jackson Cathey (2005) Tune: NUN DANKET ALLE GOTT (“The Day of Rest” [↗]
Public domain. Words: Gustav Gottheil (19th cent.) Tune: BROOKFIELD (
fourth sunday in Lent
Full to the Brim { Prodigal grace
Songs for Listening, Preludes, or Special Music
Hymns and Congregational Songs
“Softly and Tenderly Jesus Is Calling” [↗]
Public domain. Words and music: Will L. Thompson (1880)“There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy” [↗]
Public domain. Words: Frederick William Faber (1854) Tune: WELLESLEY (“Welcome! Wanderer, Welcome!” [↗]
Public domain. Words: Horatius Bonar (1883) Music: Ira David Sankey (1884)“I’m Gonna Eat at the Welcome Table” [↗]
African-American Spiritual“Jesus’ Wondrous Words of Grace” [↗]
Free use. Words: Carolyn Winfrey Gillette (2018) Tune: ST. GEORGE’S WINDSOR ( D)“Amazing Grace” [↗]
Public domain. Words: John Newton (1779) Tune: NEW BRITAIN (
fifth sunday in lent
Full to the Brim { Brazen acts of beauty
Hymns and Congregational Songs
“For the Beauty of the Earth” [↗]
Public domain. Words: Folliott Sandford Pierpoint (1864) Tune: DIX (“Fill the World with Beauty” [↗]
Public domain. Words: Edith Sanford Tillotson (1910) Music: E.S. Lorenz“The Lord Went to a Dinner” [↗]
Free use. Words: Carolyn Winfrey Gillette (2019) Tune: ANGEL’S STORY ( D)“Sacred the Body” [↗]
Words: Ruth Duck (1997) Tune: RUDDLE (“We Fall Down” [↗]
Words and music: Chris Tomlin (1998)“I Will Offer Up My Life” [↗]
Words and music: Matt Redman (1993)
palm/passion sunday
Full to the Brim { Even the stones cry out
Hymns and Congregational Songs
“Chorus of Our Faith” [↗]
Free use. Words: Anna Strickland (2021) Tune: ELLACOMBE ( D)“When His Salvation Bringing” [↗]
Public domain. Words: John King (1830) Tune: TOURS ( D)“All Glory, Laud, and Honor” [↗]
Public domain. Words: Theodulf, Bishop of Orléans (c. 820), trans. J. M. Neale (1854) Tune: ST. THEODULPH ( D)“Filled with Excitement” [↗]
Words: Rubén Ruiz Ávila (1972), trans. Gertrude C. Suppe (1979) Tune: HOSANNA ( with refrain)“How Shall They Hear the Word of God” [↗]
Words: Michael Perry (1982) Tune: AUCH JETZT MACHT GOTT (
maundy thursday
Full to the Brim { Take off your shoes
Hymns and Congregational Songs
“Take Your Shoes Off” [↗]
Free use. Words: Anna Strickland (2021) Tune: STOCKTON ( with refrain)“When Twilight Comes” [↗]
Words: Moises B. Andrade, trans. James Minchin (1990) Tune: DAPIT HAPON (“Will You Let Me Be Your Servant” [↗]
Words: Richard Gillard (1977) Tune: THE SERVANT SONG (“Where Two or Three Are Gathered” [↗]
Words and music: Bruce Harding (2002)“Draw Us in the Spirit’s Tether” [↗]
Words: Percy Dearmer (1931) Tune: UNION SEMINARY (“Where Charity and Love Prevail” [↗]
Words: 9th cent. Latin, trans. Omer Westendorf (1961) Tune: CHRISTIAN LOVE (
good friday
Full to the Brim { A cup of sorrow
Hymns and Congregational Songs
“In the Beginning Was the Word” [↗]
Free use. Words: Anna Strickland (2021) Tune: HAMBURG (“Strong, Righteous Man of Galilee” [↗]
Public domain. Words: Harry Webb Farrington (1921) Tune: MELITA (“Go to Dark Gethsemane” [↗]
Public domain. Words: James Montgomery (1825) Tune: REDHEAD NO. 76 (“Throned Upon the Awful Tree” [↗]
Public domain. Words: John Ellerton (1875) Tune: ARFON (“Joyful Is the Dark” [↗]
Words: Brian Wren (1986) Tune: LINDNER (“O God, May We Hold On to Love” [↗]
Free use. Words: Carolyn Winfrey Gillette (2021) Tune: O WALY WALY (
easter sunday
Full to the Brim { An expansive life
Songs for Listening, Preludes, or Special Music
Hymns and Congregational Songs
“Expansive Life” [↗]
Free use. Words: Anna Strickland (2021) Tune: LASST UNS ERFREUEN ( with refrain)“Come, You Faithful, Raise the Strain” [↗]
Public domain. Words: St. John of Damascus (8th cent.), trans. J. M. Neale (1859) Tune: ST. KEVIN ( D)“Day of Delight and Beauty Unbounded” [↗]
Words: Delores Dufner (1996) Tune: IN DIR IST FREUDE ( D)“Graves Into Gardens” [↗]
Words and music: Brandon Lake, Chris Brown, Steven Furtick, and Tiffany Hammer (2019)“Christ Is Alive! Let Christians Sing” [↗]
Words: Brian Wren (1968) Tune: TRURO (“Because You Live, O Christ” [↗]
Words: Shirley Erena Murray (1987) Tune: VRUECHTEN ( with refrain)“The Risen Christ” [↗]
Words: Nigel Weaver (1993) Tune: WOODLANDS (
Rev. Anna Strickland
Operations Support & Content Creation
Rev. Anna Strickland (she/her/hers) looks for the Divine in the everyday like treasure in clay jars and first encountered God in the integration of her spiritual self and artistic self. She is a native Austinite and graduated from the University of Texas where she now works in college ministry, especially serving LGBTQ students.