Christmas Narrative Banner Designs

Christmas Narrative Banner Designs
Created by: Hannah Garrity
[This resource is one of many in our 2016 Advent Bundle. Check out the entire bundle here]
Inspired by Mary’s Magnificat, Joseph’s Dream, Jesus’ Birth Story, and the Angels’ Birth Announcement to the Shepherds, this series of Advent and Christmas banners will adorn your space for the season. The large background movement in each banner depicts the movement of the Holy Spirit swirling around and surrounding the characters. The patterns draw the viewer into the piece while also symbolizing important details of each story.
Download includes:
- pdf files for printing 2' x 3' coloring posters of the designs
- vertical pdf files for creating 8' x 2.5' banners
- horizontal pdf files for projecting and tracing 8' x 2.5' banners
- written instructions with 3 options (summarized below) for bringing the designs to life in your congregation!
There are several ways you can bring these hand-drawn designs to life in your congregation. Choose the option below to best fit your needs and context.
See the written instructions HERE to read more about creative options.
Option A.) Coloring Posters
Suitable for: Youth and adults of all ages
Level of time, planning, commitment: (1 of 5 stars)
Process: download and print 2' x 3' posters of the designs at your local print shop. Invite members to color in the designs with markers, colored pencils, crayons, etc. (pssst...we printed these files at Staples as b&w "engineer prints" for only $7!)
Option B.) Painted Banners
Suitable for: Youth and adults of all ages
Level of time, planning, commitment: (3 of 5 stars)
Process: Project and trace designs onto kraft paper to create 8' x 2.5' banners. Invite members to paint the designs using tempera or acrylic paint. (see tutorial video below & written instructions included for more info)
Option C.) Paper Lace Cut-Out Banners
Suitable for: older youth (with supervision) and adults
Level of time, planning, commitment: (5 of 5 stars)
Process: Following the tutorial video below and written instructions included in download, project, trace, and cut out designs on photography studio backdrop paper to create beautiful paper lace banners.
Credit Info:
Banner designs by Hannah Garrity | © A Sanctified Art LLC |
See our Licensing Terms for more info.