Pentecost Banner Designs

Pentecost Banner Designs
[These banner designs are included in our Pentecost Bundle of resources]
Banner designs by: Hannah Garrity
There is no better season than the weeks leading up to Pentecost to welcome the Holy Spirit with art, preparing a beautiful space for God’s presence. These two designs, inspired by Pentecost imagery in Acts 2:1-21, capture the energy and wildness of the Holy Spirit let loose like a wildfire and poured out like water upon all people. There are several ways you can bring these hand-drawn designs to life in your congregation. Choose the option below to best fit your needs and context.
The photos on the left show the designs as paper lace cut out banners and also as printed 36x48 coloring posters. Both are options for bringing the designs to life. See below for more info.
Download includes:
files to print the designs as 36"x48" coloring posters
horizontal files to project and trace the designs onto banners 8'x2.5'
vertical files to print the designs (at your local print shop) as 8'x2.5' banners
written instructions with 3 options (summarized below) for bringing these designs to life in your congregation!
There are several ways to bring these designs to life in your congregation. DOWNLOAD THE WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS HERE to learn more about your creative options. Choose the option below to best fit your needs and interests:
Option A.) Coloring Posters
Suitable for: Youth and adults of all ages
Level of time, planning, commitment: (1 of 5 stars)
Process: download and print 36"x48" posters of the designs at your local print shop. Invite members to color in the designs with markers, colored pencils, crayons, etc. (pssst...we printed these files at Staples as black & white "engineering prints" for only $7: )
Option B.) Painted Banners
Suitable for: Youth and adults of all ages
Level of time, planning, commitment: (3 of 5 stars)
Process: Project and trace designs onto kraft paper to create 8' x 2.5' banners. Invite members to paint the designs using tempera or acrylic paint. (see tutorial video below & written instructions included for more info)
Option C.) Paper Lace Cut-Out Banners
Suitable for: older youth (with supervision) and adults
Level of time, planning, commitment: (5 of 5 stars)
Process: Following the tutorial video below and written instructions included in download, project, trace, and cut out designs on photography studio backdrop paper to create beautiful paper lace banners.
CLICK THIS LINK to purchase photography backdrop paper thick enough for paper lace banners.
Follow the step-by-step instructions in the video below for completing Options B & C. Note: This tutorial shows the process using last year's Advent banner designs. Follow the same instructions and steps for completing the Pentecost designs.