Draw Near Worship Meditation Film

Draw Near Worship Meditation Film
[This resource is one of many included in our DRAW NEAR ADVENT BUNDLE]
This short film imagines the ways God draws near to us, like the sun bending down to earth to lift the flowers to the sky. Pairing time lapse imagery with poetry by Sarah Are, this film could be offered as a visual meditation in worship or used in bible study/discussion groups around themes of drawing near to God.
Poetry by Sarah Are
Art & film by Lisle Gwynn Garrity
Download Includes:
PDF file with link to access and download the full-length, non-watermarked film
PDF file with poetry script + artist's statement
Files of the final image, "Draw Near," formatted for print and projection
Practical uses for this film:
as a visual meditation during worship
as a visual proclamation during or after the scripture reading
as part of a Sunday School, youth group, or campus ministry education event around the theme of drawing near to God
as part of your sermon meditation
as a resource you share with your congregation via email or online to offer space for personal reflection
Credit Info:
Poetry by Sarah Are | Art & Film by Lisle Gwynn Garrity | A Sanctified Art LLC | sanctifiedart.org
The Wisdom of the Fig Tree Worship Film