The Courageous Choice Image License (Matthew 1:18-25)

The Courageous Choice Image License (Matthew 1:18-25)



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The Courageous Choice
Silk painting with digital drawing and collage
By Lisle Gwynn Garrity
Inspired by Matthew 1:18-25

From our “From Generation to Generation” Advent 2022 collection.

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Order includes:

  • high-res image file formatted for print

  • high-res image file formatted for web/projection

  • A PDF of the Artist's statements & scripture reference for the visual

  • A visio divina Bible Study Guide for you to use this image in a group study session that incorporates the ancient Benedictine spiritual practice of "divine seeing."

Credit Info:

When printing and sharing online, please always include the following credits:
Artist's name | A Sanctified Art LLC |


When Joseph learns that his engagement has turned into a scandal, he decides to dismiss Mary quietly. While this choice may seem like a compassionate one, itʼs also a passive choice, one with little cost to Joseph but great consequences for Mary. As an unmarried mother, she and her child would be incredibly vulnerable, shunned by society, perhaps cut off from family support and resources. This choice means Josephʼs reputation remains unharmed while pregnant Mary will live on with mounting shame and threats cast upon her.

While Joseph is thinking about all of this, perhaps deliberating about how he will delicately manage the social perceptions of this unexpected turn in his life, an angel comes to him in his dreams. What I find most interesting is that the angel doesnʼt command Joseph; instead he simply says, “Donʼt be afraid.” He essentially says: “Donʼt be afraid of the social stigma. Donʼt be afraid to become a parent through adoption. Donʼt be afraid to experience a love greater than you have ever known. Donʼt be afraid to make the courageous choice, the one that will not only change your life, but the lives of Mary and Jesus and so many generations who will come after you.”

In this image, Iʼve captured Joseph in the liminal space where his dreams will soon shape his reality. He rests his head on a folded blanket, which represents the woven tapestry of his ancestors who also made difficult choices for good. Gold interconnecting lines, like the roots and branches of a family tree, envelop him, symbolizing the beautiful web of regeneration that will come from his courage.

As we reflect on the Christmas story through Josephʼs experience, may we, too, have the courage to choose a better way.

—Lisle Gwynn Garrity

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