Let There Be Light Graphics

Let There Be Light Graphics
[These graphics are included in our Advent 2017 Bundle of resources]
These graphics offer a visually engaging way for you to share the "Let There Be Light" Advent theme with your community. Download includes files for print and web so you can use them for projecting images and slides in worship, printing on bulletins, study materials, church publications, and advertising your worship on your website and online.
About the Let There Be Light Theme:
Playing with the concept of "light" as both a verb and noun, we're treating Let There Be Light as:
- a statement of God's acts in the world (specifically in Genesis 1, birth of Christ, John 1).
- a prayerful plea for God's light to continue to break through the darkness (especially when hope, joy, and light are missing in our lives).
- a call to action for us to shift systems and shove away the shadows to "prepare the way" for a new creation.
Download Includes:
The Let There Be Light logo in black and white with files for print and projection
The hand icon in black and white with files for print and projection
Four paint palette background slides to use as background slides in worship or graphics online
Credit Info:
Graphic art by Lauren Wright Pittman | A Sanctified Art LLC | sanctifiedart.org