Draw Near Branding Bundle

Draw Near Branding Bundle
[This resource is one of many in our DRAW NEAR ADVENT BUNDLE]
Whether you are a church with full-time communications staff or one whose pastor handles all communications (on top of everything else), this branding bundle provides everything you need to effectively share the theme, Draw Near, with your community. Download includes files for print and web so you can use them for projecting images and slides in worship, printing on bulletins, study materials, church publications, and advertising your worship on your website and online.
About the Draw Near Theme:
This theme emerged for us in our group study of the Year C Revised Common Lectionary texts, particularly the gospel texts for each week. It helps us name our individual and collective longing for God’s closeness and for a world made new. The Draw Near theme encompasses:
an affirmation that God has drawn near to us by taking on flesh and experiencing what it is to be human
a plea for God to draw closer to us and to the spaces in the world that are broken
a charge for us to draw near to God by leaning into wonder, justice, truth, and one another.
Download Includes (23 total files):
Draw Near logo in black, white, and color with files for print and projection
Star icon only in purple & white with files for print and projection
4 background slides (with logo incorporated) to use as projection slides in worship or graphics online
2 ready-to-customize social media graphics for you to add your own text for announcements online (incorporating logo)
Branding Guide PDF with short written statement about the logo, info about color options & font pairings, and advice on how to utilize the graphics online and in print
Credit Info:
Graphic art by Lauren Wright Pittman | A Sanctified Art LLC | sanctifiedart.org