Seeking: Children's Curriculum for Lent (Year A)

Seeking: Children's Curriculum for Lent (Year A)
[This resource is one of many included in our Seeking Bundle for Lent Year A]
This curriculum, written with children ages 5-10 in mind, invites children to engage in the RCL Year A gospel texts for Lent in light of our Seeking theme. Each lesson includes a main idea, a storytelling script with suggested “stage directions” for visual storytelling, time for questions and discussion, a prayer, and suggestions for games, books, and creative expression to further engage the theme.
In addition, we’ve provided templates and instructions for creating felt storytelling kits for children to take with them to continue engaging the story in worship and throughout the week.
Curriculum by Rev. Anna Strickland
Download includes:
4 page PDF introduction to the curriculum with ideas for implementation.
7 weekly PDF curriculum guides for 1st-5th Sundays in Lent, Palm Sunday, and Easter Sunday. Each week includes:
A main idea.
A storytelling script for the gospel text with suggested “stage directions” for using props and materials to tell the story.
Suggested storytelling materials.
Questions for discussion.
A prayer.
Extension activity suggestions for games, books, and creative expression to further engage the story and theme.
Any needed printable pages for extension activities.
6 page PDF of instructions for creating felt storytelling kits for children to continue engaging with the story in worship and at home.
Templates for cutting felt shapes.
Printable storytelling scripts for the RCL Year A Lent-Easter gospel texts, to include with the felt storytelling kits.
How to use the Curriculum:
Use the curriculum as-is for your children’s Sunday School time.
Adapt the curriculum to use in children’s moments during worship or during extended time for children during or after worship.
Print the curriculum and activities to include in a Lent take-home kit for families to engage with the lessons at home during the week.
Use the included templates to create felt storytelling kits for worship bags or Lent take-home kits.
Credit Info:
Curriculum by Rev. Anna Strickland | A Sanctified Art LLC |