Full to the Brim Reflective Assessment Tool for Expansive Living

Full to the Brim Reflective Assessment Tool for Expansive Living
[This resource is one of many included in the Full to the Brim Lent Bundle for Year C]
Lent is a season that invites us deeper into intentional living. This tool is designed to help you do just that. Complete the wellness wheel and reflections on your own or within a small group to help you reflect on where you are in your life and how you hope to grow throughout this Lenten season, and finish by committing to next steps and closing in prayer.
Download includes:
2-pg PDF of the assessment tool for printing as an 8.5x11 double-sided sheet to distribute to community members at the start of Lent. All instructions are included within the PDF, so it can be sent home to complete individually or used as the basis of a small group discussion.
Credit Info:
Worksheet developed by Rev. Sarah Speed | A Sanctified Art LLC | sanctifiedart.org