Stations of Peter Creative Liturgy for Holy Week

Stations of Peter Creative Liturgy for Holy Week
[This resource is one of many included in our Wandering Heart Lent Bundle]
This creative liturgy invites you to walk “the way of sorrows” to the cross, but through the eyes and experiences of one of Jesus’ closest disciples. As a nod to the Stations of the Cross, this service highlights Peter’s role in the crucifixion narrative. In this way, we follow Jesus to his death with Peter as our companion. By focusing on Peter, we imagine how we might have acted and behaved had we been there as one of Jesus’ followers and friends.
This liturgy was created by Rev. T. Denise Anderson and features her original artwork, The Descent, inspired by Peter’s denials.
Additional Info about the service:
This liturgy includes two options for engagement:
A communal liturgy is designed for in-person worship services (with options for virtual participants). The entire congregation participates in each station synchronously together while seated in chairs or pews.
A prayer stations version of the liturgy is designed for an in-person experience in which participants physically travel from one prayer station to another. Each station features scripture readings and ways to engage, confess, and lament. This version encourages you to print/display art from our Wandering Heart Visual Art Collection.
John 13:1-20 (Peter resists then receives the foot washing)
John 13:31-38 (Jesus foretells Peter’s denials)
John 18:1-11 (Peter draws his sword)
John 18:12-18 (Jesus is arrested and Peter denies Christ)
John 18:19-27 (Peter denies Christ again and again)
John 19:1-30 (Jesus is crucified)
8-pg PDF with the full communal worship outline and suggestions for adapting the service for online worshipers. The liturgy includes scripture readings, music suggestions, hands-on elements, and leadership notes.
11-pg PDF with instructions for creating prayer stations, including opening and closing liturgy for utilizing the prayer stations within the context of a worship service.
Image files for The Descent by Rev. T. Denise Anderson, used in Stations 4 and 5.
PDF artist’s statements for The Descent by Rev. T. Denise Anderson, used in Stations 4 and 5.
Liturgy and original artwork by Rev. T. Denise Anderson | A Sanctified Art LLC |