How does a weary world rejoice? Words for Worship for Advent–Baptism of the Lord

How does a weary world rejoice? Words for Worship for Advent–Baptism of the Lord
[This resource is one of many included in our How does a weary world rejoice? Advent Bundle]
A collection of over 50 liturgies, this resource provides fresh language for worship inspired by the weekly texts and themes in our series. For each Sunday in Advent through Baptism of the Lord Sunday (including Christmas Eve), we provide: a Call to Worship, Call to Confession, Prayer of Confession, Words of Forgiveness, Prayer for Illumination, Affirmation of Faith, and Prayer of the People. We’ve also included candle lighting liturgy for the Sundays in Advent and Christmas Eve, liturgy for Holy Communion on Christmas Eve, and a benediction for the entire series. We hope you will copy/paste or adapt these prayers for your corporate worship (with credit).
Liturgy written by Rev. Sarah (Are) Speed.
35 pg PDF Words for Worship document. Liturgy is inspired by Luke chapters 1-2 and 3:21-22 and our How does a weary world rejoice? Advent theme and weekly sub-themes. For each Sunday in Advent, as well as Christmas Eve, the First Sunday After Christmas, and Baptism of the Lord Sunday*, we provide:
Call to Worship
Candle Lighting Liturgy for the Advent Wreath (Advent 1-4 and Christmas Eve only)
Call to Confession
Prayer of Confession
Words of Forgiveness
Prayer for Illumination
Affirmation of Faith
Invitation to the Table (for Christmas Eve only)
Prayer of the People
Prayer After Communion (for Christmas Eve only)
Benediction (for the series)
*Note: For this Luke-focused Advent series, we have not included Epiphany but rather Baptism of the Lord Sunday, which traditionally falls on the first Sunday after January 6. We will share additional Epiphany liturgy on our blog for those churches who choose to celebrate Epiphany on the second Sunday after Christmas.
Affirmation for the First Sunday of Advent: We acknowledge our weariness
We believe in a God who hears our prayers,
who knows the shape and form of our weariness.
We believe in a God who wants joy and delight for us,
not just survival and existence.
We believe in a God who looks ahead,
who is not done dreaming for the world—
a God who sends hope in the form of people and change,
movements and Spirit.
And so we return to this space.
We bring our joy and our weariness
like two sides of the same coin,
and we trust that God is already at work.
Yes, we believe in a God who hears our prayers.
Thanks be to God for a love like that.
Liturgy by Rev. Sarah Speed | A Sanctified Art LLC |