Pride Sunday / Imago Dei Sunday Liturgy Package

Pride Sunday / Imago Dei Sunday Liturgy Package
[This resource is one of five services included in our 2024 Special Sundays Collection]
This liturgy package includes: liturgy for Pride Sunday (or Imago Dei Sunday), a poem, original artwork, and a customizable social media graphic.
The creative liturgy invites worshipers to celebrate the image of God in themselves and in the diversity of all God’s beloved children. The liturgy includes suggested scriptures and hymns, creative worship elements, and scripted prayers. In addition, the download includes the image “Through Him, All Things” by Lauren Wright Pittman (for bulletin covers and/or projection), the poem ”The Bravest Thing We Can Do” by Rev. Sarah Speed (to be read as part of worship and/or printed in the bulletin), and a customizable graphic to share about this special day of worship.
About the Service:
This service is designed to celebrate the image of God in each person, particularly our LGBTQIA+ siblings. This liturgy could be used anytime throughout the year, including: Pride Month (June), LGBTQIA History Month (October), National Coming Out Day (October 11th), or Transgender Day of Remembrance (November 20th). Suggested scriptures are included, but the liturgy is designed to be general enough that you can use any desired preaching or focal scriptures. Also included in this download are music suggestions, image files for “Through Him, All Things” by Lauren Wright Pittman (to be printed in bulletins or projected on screens), and a link to an editable Canva template of a promotional graphic for the service.
*Starred elements are fully scripted. Other elements include suggestions.
Gathering Music
Call to Worship*
Invitation to Confession*, Prayer of Confession*, and Assurance of Pardon*
Sung Response
Passing the Peace*
Time for Children
Prayer for Illumination*
Scripture Reading(s)
Belovedness Prayer and Ritual* (featuring the poem “The Bravest Thing We Can Do” by Rev. Sarah Speed)
Invitation to the Offering* and Prayer of Dedication*
Prayers of the People*
Sending Music
17-pg PDF with the full worship liturgy, suggestions for implementation, and commentary on the suggested scriptures. The liturgy includes suggested scripture readings, music suggestions, hands-on elements, and leadership notes.
Image files for “Through Him, All Things” by Lauren Wright Pittman.
PDF worship kit including the poem, “The Bravest Thing We Can Do” by Sarah Speed (to be used during the Belovedness Prayer and Ritual), the artist’s statement for “Through Him, All Things” by Lauren Wright Pittman, and a link to an editable Canva template of a promotional graphic for the service.
Liturgy by Rev. Claudia Aguilar Rubalcava, Avery Arden, Rev. Brooke Scott, and Matt Webb | A Sanctified Art LLC |
”Through Him, All Things” by Rev. Lauren Wright Pittman | A Sanctified Art LLC |
”The Bravest Thing We Can Do” by Rev. Sarah Speed | A Sanctified Art LLC |