I've been meaning to ask... Words for Worship

I've been meaning to ask... Words for Worship
[This resource is one of many included in our I’ve been meaning to ask… Bundle]
A collection of over 35 prayers, this resource provides fresh and meaningful language for worship inspired by the scriptures and weekly sub-themes in our I’ve been meaning to ask… series. We’ve included liturgy for all four weeks of the series as well as a benediction to use throughout the series.
For each Sunday, we provide: A call to worship, a call to confession, a prayer of confession, words of forgiveness, a prayer for illumination, an affirmation of faith, an invitation to the offering, an invitation to the Table for Communion, and a prayer of the people or great prayer of thanksgiving. We hope you will copy/paste or adapt these prayers for your corporate worship (with credit).
Liturgy written by Rev. Sarah Are.
19 pg PDF Words for Worship document. Liturgy is inspired by the scriptures and weekly sub-themes in our I’ve been meaning to ask… series. In addition to a general benediction for the series, for each of the four Sundays we provide:
Call to Worship
Call to Confession
Prayer of Confession
Words of Forgiveness
Prayer for Illumination
Affirmation of Faith
Invitation to the Offering
Invitation to the Table (for Holy Communion/Eucharist)
Prayer of the People / Great Prayer of Thanksgiving
Call to Worship from the 3rd Sunday | I’ve been meaning to ask… what do you need?
Family of faith, this must be the place.
This is the place for connection and growth,
for community and hope.
This must be the place for questions like,
“Where are you from?” and, “What do you need?”
For whispers of: “I’ve been thinking of you,”
and, “I’ve been meaning to ask. . .”
This must be the place, because all belong here.
All are welcome here.
All hurt and joy, needs and prayers,
dreams and love, are welcome here.
So for our call to worship today, we are going to lean into the invitation for connection.
I want to invite you to take two minutes to introduce yourself to someone around you and to share one thing
that has brought you deep joy this week so that we might begin our service with joy, gratitude, and connection.
God is near. Let us worship Holy God.
Liturgy by Rev. Sarah Are | A Sanctified Art LLC | sanctifiedart.org