Conversation Church—A Creative Worship Event

Conversation Church—A Creative Worship Event
[This resource is one of many included in our I’ve been meaning to ask… Bundle]
So often we sit side by side, week after week in the pews without truly getting to know one another. In this event, we hope to move beyond small talk to practice curiosity, listening, and connection to create a unique conversation-based worship service that might provide fellowship, connection, and a glimpse of the holy. At this one hour event, people will gather, hear scripture read, engage in thirty minutes of intentional and guided conversation with their neighbors as the sermon moment, and close with prayer and Holy Communion.
Liturgy written by Rev. Sarah Are.
This one hour creative worship & fellowship event uses holy conversation for the sermon moment to encourage curiosity, listening, and connection. The order of worship includes a time of gathering, reading scripture, conversation, reflection, communion, and sending. Only common supplies are needed, such as name tags, pens, Post-it notes or index cards, A/V setup, Communion elements, etc. You can plan this service as a special event or as Sunday morning worship, perhaps to open or close the I’ve been meaning to ask… series.
NOTE: Depending on your location and the reality of COVID spread in your area, we imagine that this event could be hosted outdoors with social distancing measures in force.
9-pg PDF outlining all supplies needed, set-up instructions, and the full worship script for an interactive worship experience
Liturgy written by Rev. Sarah Are | A Sanctified Art LLC |