A Free Pledge Card for Stewardship
If you’re reading this, hopefully you’ve already found your way to our new series for stewardship, Our Money Story. After receiving many requests over the years, we delved into creating these stewardship resources alongside fundraising experts, Mieke Vandersall and Erin Weber-Johnson at Vandersall Collective. In partnership with VC, we crafted practical and liturgical resources that blend art, money narratives, and spiritual practices for a 4-weeks-long series on stewardship.
Our Money Story invites you to discern how we are shaped by narratives—both ones known to us and also ones buried deep—that drive our financial behaviors and stewardship practices. The materials guide you through the process of remembering, releasing, restoring, and reimagining these narratives in light of God’s money story of love and liberation.
As many of you are beginning to dig into the materials, we’ve received requests that having a pledge card form would be helpful—and we get it. There are many things to check off your list when it comes to stewardship season, so we wanted to help. We’ve crafted a free pledge card form with the Our Money Story theme branding for you to customize and share with your community this season.
There are a few ways you can customize and use this pledge card:
1) Customize, Print, & Mail it
When you download the pledge card form, the easiest way to customize it is by using Adobe Acrobat (other PDF reader programs may also work, but we’ve designed it for Acrobat). At the top, there’s a slot for you to add your church or organization’s logo (we recommend using a .png file or one with a transparent background!). In the bottom footer, add a URL for where members in your community can give online. Don’t have a online giving option yet? Now’s a great time to get that up and running!
Once you finish customizing the form, print it double-sided (the back side includes a short prayer) on 8.5x11 sheets to mail out to your community!
This sample of the pledge card shows you where you can add your logo & a link for online giving. All information slots are fillable in the PDF. The date is also adjustable so that you can utilize the form in any year.
2) Customize & Email it
If you need a digital option for collecting pledges, follow the customization directions above then save the file and share it via email. Members of your community should be able to add their information by typing into the fillable information slots using any PDF reader program. They can then save the file and email it back!
May this check at least one thing off your list this season so you can devote your time and energy to the transformative, spiritual, and healing work of stewardship.
Rev. Lisle Gwynn Garrity
Founder, Creative Director
Lisle Gwynn Garrity (she/her) is a Pastorist (pastor + artist), retreat leader, and creative entrepreneur seeking to fill the church with more color, paint, mystery, and creativity. She founded A Sanctified Art with the conviction that, in order to thrive, the church needs more creative expression and art-filled freedom.