Visual Art for Ordinary Time (Aug 13-Sept 3)

Visual Art for Ordinary Time (Aug 13-Sept 3)
[These visuals are included in our Anything But Ordinary Bundle of resources]
This is a collection of visual art inspired by 4 Abrahamic family narratives (RCL texts for Aug 6-Sept 3, 2017). Download includes files formatted for print and web/projection.
From the Pit, by Lisle Gwynn Garrity
Inspired by Genesis 37: 1-4, 12-28 [Week of August 13th]
Joseph’s Brothers Sell Him into SlaveryReconciled, by Hannah Garrity
Inspired by Genesis 45: 1-15 [Week of August 20th]
Joseph Reveals Himself to His BrothersMidwives Decision, by Hannah Garrity
Inspired by Exodus 1:8-2:10 [Week of August 27th]
Moses’ BirthHoly Ground, by Lauren Wright Pittman
Inspired by Exodus 3: 1-15 [Week of September 3rd]
Moses & the Burning Bush
Click the photos on the left to preview images and artist statements.
Download includes:
- images for 4 art pieces
- files formatted for print
- files formatted for web and projection
- pdf file of artist reflections and a visio divina lesson guide to guide groups in using the visuals to practice "divine seeing" and contemplation.
Credit Info:
When printing and sharing online, please always include the following credits:
"Title of art" by [artist's name] | A Sanctified Art LLC |
Purchase grants one-time use license of resource. Please review our licensing guidelines prior to purchase.