Sermon Planning Guide + Grid for Lent (Year A)

Sermon Planning Guide + Grid for Lent (Year A)
[This resource is also included in our Wilderness Lent Bundle]
For the Revised Common Lectionary scriptures for Lent, Year A, this guide offers you biblical commentary, theme connections, and some reccomended readings. For each text, we’ve included suggestions for how to connect the scripture to the theme, Wilderness. These suggestions offer a few ways of approaching and thinking about the texts in light of our theme.
We encourage you to use this guide as a starting point for your text study each week. You may wish to include our Artist Statements (included with the visuals in our Lent 2020 bundle) in your scripture research and reflections. Consider mapping out your ideas in our accompanying Sermon Planning Grid.
Guide developed by Lisle Gwynn Garrity | Commentary by guest contributor, Slats Toole
Download includes:
16-page PDF Sermon Planning Guide for the focal scriptures we’ve selected from the RCL for Lent, Year A. For each week of Lent through Easter Sunday, the guide includes:
biblical commentary on the gospel text (written by guest contributor, Slats Toole)
theme connections (for connecting the texts to the Wilderness theme)
quotes for inspiration (referring specifically to the text or theme)
recommended articles, videos, or blogs that bring new perspectives to the text
9-page PDF Sermon-Planning Grid (9 fillable sheets) for mapping out your ideas in a cohesive way throughout the entire Lenten season.
Credit Info:
Guide written by Lisle Gwynn Garrity | Commentary by guest contributor, Slats Toole | A Sanctified Art LLC |
Everything In Between Sermon Planning Guide for Lent–Easter