I've been meaning to ask... Sermon Planning Guide

I've been meaning to ask... Sermon Planning Guide
[This resource is one of many included in our I’ve been meaning to ask… Bundle]
For the scriptures included in our I’ve been meaning to ask… worship series, this guide offers biblical commentary, theme connections, guiding questions, and links to further reading. This guide features biblical commentary by our guest contributors:
Dr. Raj Nadella, The Samuel A. Cartledge Associate Professor of New Testament at Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, GA
Rev. Brittany Fiscus-Van Rossum, Pastor of Mercy Church in Atlanta, GA
Rev. Remington Johnson, Healthcare chaplain and masters in nursing candidate
Rev. Aisha Brooks-Johnson, Executive Presbyter for the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta
We encourage you to use this guide as a starting point for your text study each week. We also provide a fillable Sermon Planning Grid to help you map out your ideas for your series.
23-page PDF Sermon Planning Guide for the scriptures included in our I’ve been meaning to ask… worship series. For each of the four Sundays in the series, we provide:
Biblical commentary (written by our guest contributors).
Theme connections (for connecting the texts to the I’ve been meaning to ask… theme and weekly sub-themes).
Guiding questions (to inspire your homiletical and exegetical readings of the texts).
recommended reading & research (pointing you to the work of diverse theologians and thinkers to inform your sermon).
PDF Sermon-Planning Grid (fillable sheets) for mapping out your ideas in a cohesive way throughout the entire series.
Commentary by [Author’s name] | Guide developed by Rev. Lisle Gwynn Garrity | A Sanctified Art LLC | sanctifiedart.org
Everything In Between Sermon Planning Guide for Lent–Easter