Toward Jerusalem Print (The Samaritans Reject Jesus) by Lauren Wright Pittman TowardJerusalem_8x10_framed.png

Toward Jerusalem Print (The Samaritans Reject Jesus) by Lauren Wright Pittman

from $20.00
Mary & Martha Print by Lauren Wright Pittman MaryandMartha_8x10_framed.png

Mary & Martha Print by Lauren Wright Pittman

from $20.00
Zacchaeus Print by Lauren Wright Pittman Zacchaeus_8x10_framed.png

Zacchaeus Print by Lauren Wright Pittman

from $20.00
Who Do You Say That I Am? Print (Peter and Jesus) by Lauren Wright Pittman SA_whodoyousaythatiam_12x16_framed.png

Who Do You Say That I Am? Print (Peter and Jesus) by Lauren Wright Pittman

from $20.00
Seventy-seven Times Print by Lauren Wright Pittman SA_seventyseventimes_18x18_framed.png

Seventy-seven Times Print by Lauren Wright Pittman

from $22.00
Disarming Peter Print (Jesus' Arrest) by Lauren Wright Pittman SA_disarmingpeter_8x10_framed.png

Disarming Peter Print (Jesus' Arrest) by Lauren Wright Pittman

from $20.00
Who Will You Listen To? Print (Adam and Eve) by Lauren Wright Pittman SA_Who_Will_You_Listen_To_12x12_framed.png

Who Will You Listen To? Print (Adam and Eve) by Lauren Wright Pittman

from $22.00
Living Water Print (Jesus and the Samaritan Woman at the Well) by Lauren Wright Pittman SA_Living_Water_12x16_framed.png

Living Water Print (Jesus and the Samaritan Woman at the Well) by Lauren Wright Pittman

from $20.00
Why Have You Forsaken Me? Print (Jesus on the Cross) by Lauren Wright Pittman SA_Why_Have_You_Forsaken_Me_12x12_framed_paint_cart.jpg

Why Have You Forsaken Me? Print (Jesus on the Cross) by Lauren Wright Pittman

from $22.00
First Fruits Print by Lauren Wright Pittman SA_FirstFruits_16x20_framed.png

First Fruits Print by Lauren Wright Pittman

from $20.00
You Are Worthy Print (Parable of the Fig Tree) by Lauren Wright Pittman SA_YouAreWorthy_24x36_framed.png

You Are Worthy Print (Parable of the Fig Tree) by Lauren Wright Pittman

from $20.00
New In Christ Print by Lauren Wright Pittman SA_NewInChrist_16x20_framed.png

New In Christ Print by Lauren Wright Pittman

from $20.00
Even the Stones Cry Out Print (Palm Sunday) by Lauren Wright Pittman SA_EvenTheStonesCryOut_24x36_framed.png

Even the Stones Cry Out Print (Palm Sunday) by Lauren Wright Pittman

from $20.00
Invited In Print (Prayer) by Lauren Wright Pittman SA_InvitedIn_framed_eucalyptus.jpg

Invited In Print (Prayer) by Lauren Wright Pittman

from $20.00
In Our Hands Print (Noah's Ark) by Lauren Wright Pittman SA_InOurHands_framed_12x12.png

In Our Hands Print (Noah's Ark) by Lauren Wright Pittman

from $22.00
Transfiguration Print by Lauren Wright Pittman SA_Transfiguration_framed_eucalyptus.jpg

Transfiguration Print by Lauren Wright Pittman

from $20.00
The Cross Remains Print by Lauren Wright Pittman SA_TheCrossRemains_framed_fig.jpg

The Cross Remains Print by Lauren Wright Pittman

from $22.00
Written on Our Hearts Print (Jeremiah 31) By Lauren Wright Pittman SA_WrittenOnTheirHearts_framed_12x12.png

Written on Our Hearts Print (Jeremiah 31) By Lauren Wright Pittman

from $22.00
Through the Palms Print (Triumphal Entry) by Lauren Wright Pittman SA_ThroughThePalms_framed_plantstand.jpg

Through the Palms Print (Triumphal Entry) by Lauren Wright Pittman

from $20.00
Spirit Led Print (Jesus Tempted in the Wilderness) by Lauren Wright Pittman spiritled-plant-8x10.png

Spirit Led Print (Jesus Tempted in the Wilderness) by Lauren Wright Pittman

from $20.00
Unbind Me Print (Lazarus) by Lauren Wright Pittman unbindme-markers-16x16.png

Unbind Me Print (Lazarus) by Lauren Wright Pittman

from $22.00
Anointed Print (Mary Washes Jesus' Feet) by Lauren Wright Pittman anointed_mockupplant.jpg

Anointed Print (Mary Washes Jesus' Feet) by Lauren Wright Pittman

from $20.00
Born Again Print (Nicodemus) by Lauren Wright Pittman bornagain_mockupdried.jpg

Born Again Print (Nicodemus) by Lauren Wright Pittman

from $22.00
A Choice Print (Person of Jesus) by Lauren Wright Pittman choice_mockupdried.jpg

A Choice Print (Person of Jesus) by Lauren Wright Pittman

from $20.00
Broken Vessel Print (Ps. 31) by Lauren Wright Pittman mockupdried_broken.jpg

Broken Vessel Print (Ps. 31) by Lauren Wright Pittman

from $22.00
Mother Hen Print (Jesus as Mother Hen) by Lauren Wright Pittman motherhen_mockupart.jpg

Mother Hen Print (Jesus as Mother Hen) by Lauren Wright Pittman

from $20.00
The Kiss Print (Judas Iscariot) by Lauren Wright Pittman kiss_mockupdried.jpg

The Kiss Print (Judas Iscariot) by Lauren Wright Pittman

from $20.00
Stations of the Cross Print by Lauren Wright Pittman stationsmock.jpg

Stations of the Cross Print by Lauren Wright Pittman

from $20.00