The Flower Fades (15x25) by Hannah Garrity

The Flower Fades (15x25) by Hannah Garrity
The Flower Fades
Original hand cut paper laced 140lb watercolor paper floated over a contrasting mat background.
By Hannah Garrity
Inspired by Isaiah 40:1-11
14 ¾” x 25 ½” x 1 ⅛”
Intentionally framed with depth behind the paper to accent the shadows. Framing choices made by artist. The frame is a shimmery gray color.
From the Artist
“The grass withers, the flower fades;
but the word of our God will stand forever.”
In this image a single iris stalk rises up with three flowers. Representing the inconstancy of the people, the flower is just beginning to fade and the grasses begin to bend. The breath of the Lord swirls through the frame.
“In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord,
make straight in the desert a highway for our God.
Every valley shall be lifted up,
and every mountain and hill be made low;
the uneven ground shall become level,
and the rough places a plain.”
In the background, straight vertical lines represent the paths made straight, the leveling of the ground, the smoothing of the rough places.
Yet, in our inconstancy, God is there for us. There is hope, as Isaiah cries out, for God continues to speak peace into being within us. God continues to whisper Their meaning and purpose into us, teaching us to rely on Them and to bend our trajectory toward righteousness. In this moment, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, our physical ways of reaching out and encircling each other in love are stripped away. We must speak. We must speak the peace that we normally act out; we must speak it into being. Can we find the words? Can we reach out to those with whom we can connect? Can we, together, make space for God to speak peace through us?
—Hannah Garrity