Prevenient (14x16) by Hannah Garrity

Prevenient (14x16) by Hannah Garrity
Original hand cut paper laced 140lb watercolor paper floated over a contrasting mat background
By Hannah Garrity
Inspired by Ephesians 2:1-10
14 ⅝” x 16 ⅝” x 1 ⅛”
Intentionally framed with depth behind the paper to accent the shadows. Framing choices made by artist. The frame is a warm gray with a slight shimmer.
From the Artist
In our group study of the lectionary scriptures for Lent, Lisle was quick to tell me that this text matters a lot to Reformed theologians. I needed that theological and historical context. My first reading had brought nothing deep or important. I had completely missed what our Reformed thinkers had contemplated for centuries. Here are my notes from our conversation:
“This Ephesians text is really important to Reformed theologians. The idea in Paul’s words is all about God’s grace, not works. Prevenient grace—we are given grace and we live our lives in response to that grace. This makes me think of the Paul Simon lines,
‘And as I watch the drops of rain
Weave their weary paths and die
I know that I am like the rain
There but for the grace of you go I.’
I imagine a flow of water; it speaks of baptism. The ripple represents the expansive effect of God’s prevenient grace.”
Repetition in art is important. When I first created this piece, it appeared to me to be three different images. The sky, the distant water, and the ripple in the foreground. As I stared at the three patterns, I desired unification. Perhaps I’d repeat the ripple in the sky, or maybe add thin lines in the foreground to tie it in. But maybe, metaphorically, this separation can represent the idea of prevenient grace. The sky and the distance appear separated from the present. God’s grace—represented in the water ripple in the foreground—will eventually connect us to it all.
–Hannah Garrity
This is the last stanza of “Kathy’s Song” by Simon and Garfunkel. © 1965 words and music by Paul Simon.