Mary & Elizabeth (24x24) By Lauren Wright Pittman

Mary & Elizabeth (24x24) By Lauren Wright Pittman


Mary & Elizabeth
By Lauren Wright Pittman
Inspired by Luke 1:39-45, (46-55)
Acrylic on canvas

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From the artist:

“Mary and Elizabeth affirm, comfort, and support one another in the unexpected, strange circumstances of their pregnancies. Elizabeth instantly recognizes that Mary is pregnant and is filled to the brim with the Holy Spirit, so much so that she exclaims that Mary is blessed among women and the mother of the Lord.What an amazingly confident and prophetic statement she makes. It is unclear, exactly, of the reason for Mary’s visiting Elizabeth. She may have been seeking comfort or community, or she may have been wanting to offer comfort to Elizabeth.Whatever her intentions, it is clear that Mary is emboldened and empowered by Elizabeth’s affirmations as she breaks into the Magnificat. It is as though Elizabeth’s words, “Blessed is she who believed,” creates space in Mary’s heart to proclaim the broad implications of what is taking place within her womb.

I wanted to depict the creative energy, communication, and power that was taking place in Mary and Elizabeth’s wombs in this moment. Mary’s womb swirls with the knitting together of the One through whom all things came into being, while Elizabeth’s womb radiates joy with the leaping of the one who will spend his life directing attention, awe and reverence to the One in Mary’s womb.

When we draw near to one another, we can recognize and proclaim God’s movement in one another’s lives and be encouraged in our own journey.When we draw near to one another, we live more fully into who we were created to be.”

—Lauren Wright Pittman

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