Freedom Lullaby (18x24) By Lisle Gwynn Garrity

Freedom Lullaby (18x24) By Lisle Gwynn Garrity
Freedom Lullaby
By Lisle Gwynn Garrity
Inspired by Luke 1:46b-55
Acrylic on canvas
Shipping to United States only
From the artist:
“Mary sings in the language of liberation. God choosing her, a low- status, unmarried, Nazarene girl, as the vessel for this revolution is a sign to her that the angel’s news is about so much more than just her holy child.This birth indicates all that God has done, is doing, and will continue to do to liberate the oppressed, to bring down the powerful from their thrones, and to feed the hungry with good things. Mary is not only mother of Jesus; she is also a mother of this God movement. She joins the long tradition of women in the bible—Miriam (Ex. 15), Deborah (Judg. 5), Hannah (1 Sam. 2)—whose poetry points to God’s power turning the world upside down.
When I read through the Magnificat once again, I imagined Mary cradling her growing belly and singing her song as a lullaby to her unborn son.With each gentle word and sway, she foretells the promise of freedom he will soon fulfill.”
—Lisle Gwynn Garrity