How does a weary world rejoice? Advent Calendars for Children and Adults (Copies for one individual/family)

How does a weary world rejoice? Advent Calendars for Children and Adults (Copies for one individual/family)
[This resource is one of many in our How does a weary world rejoice? Advent bundle]
This Advent, practice daily acts of joy by using our Advent calendars—made for both children and adults. Our children’s Advent calendar is designed for coloring and can be printed on 11x17 paper. Starting on December 1st, count down the days of Advent by coloring in a shape within our Advent icon which features two figures holding the world together with weariness and joy. Then, complete the daily action prompt together as a family.
Our adult (and teen-friendly) calendar includes daily prompts for practicing joy in a weary world. Print it on 11x17 paper and display it somewhere you will see it each day. For this calendar, we have also included social media graphics of each prompt. We encourage you to share them on your church Instagram or Facebook page as an invitation for your community to practice joy this season.
(Note: The children’s calendar includes prompts to create a nativity scene by adding characters throughout the month. This does not have to be a traditional nativity set—we encourage you to get creative! You might choose to include the characters from our How does a weary world rejoice? Children’s Curriculum, or these nativity color-and-cut pages or nativity stickers from our friends at Illustrated Ministry.)
Download includes (33 fileS):
PDF of the children’s Advent coloring calendar for printing in black and white on 11x17 paper.
PDF of the adult Advent calendar for printing in color on 11x17 paper.
Graphics for each of the adult Advent calendar prompts for sharing on social media (31 images total).
Printing Info:
Print the calendars on 11x17 paper.
Credit Info:
Children’s prompts written by Rev. Anna Strickland | Adult prompts written by Rev. Lisle Gwynn Garrity | Calendars designed by Rev. Lauren Wright Pittman