From Generation to Generation... Advent Calendar for Children and Families (2-25 Copies)

From Generation to Generation... Advent Calendar for Children and Families (2-25 Copies)
[This resource is one of many in our From Generation to Generation… Advent bundle]
Want a fun and meaningful way to journey through Advent together as a family? Print our Advent Calendar on 11x17 paper and hang it on your fridge. Starting on December 1st, count down the days of Advent by coloring in a figure each day. Then, complete the daily action prompt together as a family.
Note: The calendar includes prompts to create a nativity scene by adding characters throughout the month. This does not have to be a traditional nativity set—we encourage you to get creative! You might choose to include these nativity color-and-cut pages or nativity stickers from our friends at Illustrated Ministry.
Download includes (1 file):
Print-ready PDF of the calendar for printing in black and white on 11x17 paper.
Printing Info:
Print the calendar on 11x17 paper.
Credit Info:
Prompts written by Rev. Anna Strickland | Calendar designed by Rev. Lauren Wright Pittman