Seeking: Words for Worship for Lent–Easter (Year A)

Seeking: Words for Worship for Lent–Easter (Year A)
[This resource is one of many included in our Seeking Lent Bundle for Year A]
A collection of over 40 prayers, this resource provides fresh language for worship inspired by the RCL Year A scriptures for Ash Wednesday through Easter Sunday and our Lent theme, Seeking. We’ve included liturgy for 8 weeks and holy days: Ash Wednesday, the 1st-5th Sundays in Lent, Palm/Passion Sunday, and Easter Sunday. (For Good Friday, we have created a separate, creative worship service available here. You can find a worship outline for Maundy Thursday on our blog here.)
For each of these holy days, we provide: A call to worship, a call to confession, a prayer of confession, words of forgiveness, a prayer for illumination, and an affirmation of faith. We have also included Communion liturgy for Easter Sunday, and a general benediction to use throughout the series. We hope you will copy/paste or adapt these prayers for your corporate worship (with credit).
Liturgy written by Rev. Sarah (Are) Speed.
24 pg PDF Words for Worship document. Liturgy is inspired by the RCL (Year A) and our Seeking Lent theme and weekly sub-themes. We’ve included Communion liturgy for Easter Sunday and a benediction for the series, as well as liturgy for 8 weeks and holy days: Ash Wednesday, the 1st-5th Sundays in Lent, Palm/Passion Sunday, and Easter Sunday. For each of these holy days, we provide:
Call to Worship
Call to Confession
Prayer of Confession
Words of Forgiveness
Prayer for Illumination
Affirmation of Faith
Affirmation of Faith from the 2nd Sunday in Lent | Seeking: How do we begin again?
We believe in a God who meets us in the shadows,
who welcomes our questions,
who invites us to begin again.
We believe that Jesus showed us a new way,
a deeper faith,
a more compassionate existence.
We believe that all of our beginnings should return us to this foundation,
and that no matter how many times we lose our way,
God always welcomes us home. Amen.
Liturgy by Rev. Sarah A. Speed | A Sanctified Art LLC |