A New Creation Poetry Prayers

A New Creation Poetry Prayers
[This resource is also included in our A New Creation Mini Bundle for Easter]
This collection of 6 poetic prayers explores Easter themes and what it means to become a new creation. Honest and intimate, these poems offer Easter meditations that might become prayers of your own. We hope you might adapt them for worship liturgy, use them to open and close programming events, or print them as they are for members in your community to read and return to throughout the season of Easter.
Prayers written by Sarah Are.
I think my mother and Mary would have been friends.
For on their darkest days,
Both have gone to the garden.
So I imagine that on their darkest days,
Both Mary and my mother
Have willed new life from earth’s cold ground—
meticulously tending stubborn soil while praying for a miracle—
praying that seeds will grow into flowers
that will take our breath away and remind us again that we are small.
And lo and behold,
As sure as the sun rises,
Those seeds grow.
—Excerpt from “My Mother and Mary”
The earth doesn’t deserve the sun.
We pollute her skies and poison the air.
And yet, day after day,
She keeps coming back.
. . .
So each morning I thank God for this tiny glimpse of Easter—
Light that breaks through the night,
Love that can’t stay away.
—Excerpt from “Easter”
Download includes:
PDF print-ready file of the prayers (for you to print and distribute to members, or copy/paste for worship liturgy).
Includes 6 poetic prayers, titled:
“I Pushed My Bed into the Sun”
“My Mother and Mary”
Print the prayers and distribute them to members in your community
Adapt the prayers as your Call to Worship or opening prayer for worship
Use the prayers in a bible study group or Sunday school to deepen your reflection on A New Creation
Use the poetry to inspire your own liturgy and sermon writing
Credit Info:
When printing and sharing online or in worship, please always include the following credits:
Prayers by Sarah Are | A Sanctified Art LLC | sanctifiedart.org