Love Drawn Here Foldable & Illustrated Poem

Love Drawn Here Foldable & Illustrated Poem
[This liturgy is included in our 2018 Christmas Bundle of resources]
This fun “foldable” illustrates the poem, “Love Drawn Here,” which reflects on the meaning of Christmas. We encourage you to print and distribute this one-page foldable to adults and children to color throughout your Christmas Eve worship using our Love Drawn Here Liturgy. You could also distribute it to families for a fun take-home activity during the holidays.
Print the file in black and white, double-sided on 8.5x11 sheets, then fold in half to read and color like a book!
I know love’s real,
for I have felt it in my bones
the way cold air finds my lungs
and music finds my memories—
certainly and entirely. . . .
So I’ll never stop waiting for Christmas.
Every day I’ll rise with the sun
and pray that today it will be Christmas again,
that today will be a day when you are here,
when you are near me,
when the blanket is ripped away to reveal the light
and my smile lines have reason to bow again. . . .
—Excerpts from poem, “Love Drawn Here” by Sarah Are
Download includes:
PDF print-ready file of the illustrated poem. Print double-sided on 8.5x11 sheets and in properties or layout, choose “flip short edge” or “short edge to short edge.” Fold sheets in half to read and color the illustrated poem like a book!
Print the foldable and distribute to children and adults to color in during Christmas Eve worship
Print and distribute the foldable to families for a coloring take-home activity during the holidays
Use the foldable in youth group, bible study, or Sunday school to discuss the meaning of Christmas
Credit Info:
When printing and sharing online or in worship, please always include the following credits:
Prayers by Sarah Are | A Sanctified Art LLC |