Songs for the Wandering Heart: A Lenten Soundtrack
As our faith journey takes us down wandering paths, the words we grew up singing and the old, familiar melodies have a way of tethering our hearts to the God who wanders with us. Here we’ve collected hymns and songs that work well with our Wandering Heart Lent series, which follows Simon Peter’s wandering journey as he follows Jesus from the shores of the Sea of Galilee to the empty tomb and back again. We hope these lists help you as you’re planning meaningful worship services for the Lenten season.
(Note: While we do not own the licensing rights to these songs—other than the hymns and theme song commissioned specially for this series—we have linked to more information about the hymnals containing these songs or to other licensing options. Since U.S. law does not allow churches to “broadcast” recorded music without a particular license to do so—including music played in YouTube and Facebook live services—we encourage you to share recorded songs with your congregation by sharing a link to the video or our Spotify playlist in bulletins, emails, or social media to avoid copyright strikes in livestream worship.)
Wandering Heart Original Music
Theme Song: “Return to You”
This season, we’ve partnered with Can Olgun, Rev. Sarah Speed, and the Chapel Church Band at Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church to create an original theme song for Wandering Heart. The sheet music and MP3 are available now to all bundle patrons, and the music video will be available soon for purchase.Original Hymns by Rev. Anna Strickland
Rev. Anna Strickland has written 5 original hymns (set to familiar hymn tunes) for the 1st through 5th Sundays in Lent. The tunes are all public domain, and the hymn texts are free for congregational use. You can download the sheet music and lyrics for these hymns here.
music for all season
Wandering Heart: Figuring out faith with Peter
Hymns and Congregational Songs
“Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing” [↗]
Public domain. Words: Robert Robinson (1758), alt. Martin Madan (1760) Tune: NETTLETON ( D)“My Wand’ring Heart” [↗]
Words: Hannah C. Brown (2023) Music: Frederick M. Lehman (1917)“Wherever I May Wander” [↗]
Words: Ann B. Snow (1959) Tune: NEW ENGLAND ( D)“We Walk By Faith” [↗]
Public domain. Words: Henry Alford (1844) Tune: DUNLAP'S CREEK (“Every Step of the Way” [↗]
Words and music: Christopher Grundy (2004)“Be With Those Who Wander” [↗]
Words: Hannah C. Brown (2023) Music: Benjamin Brody (2023)“Close to Thee” [↗]
Public domain. Words: Fanny Crosby (1874) Tune: CLOSE TO THEE ( with refrain)“Where He Leads Me” [↗]
Public domain. Words: E. W. Blandly (1890) Tune: NORRIS ( with refrain)
ash wednesday
“Tune my heart” | Psalm 51:1-17
Hymns and Congregational Songs
“O For a Heart to Praise My God” [↗]
Public domain. Words: Charles Wesley (1742) Tune: RICHMOND (“Change My Heart, O God” [↗]
Words and music: Eddie Espinosa (1982)“Make a New Heart” [↗]
Words and music: Richard Bruxvoort Colligan (2019)“Sing Out! We’re Made of Common Dust” [↗]
Words: Carolyn Winfrey Gilette (2018) Tune: CANONBURY (“Take My Life, and Let It Be” [↗]
Public domain. Words: Frances R. Havergal (1874) Tune: HENDON (“Bless Now, O God, the Journey” [↗]
Words: Sylvia G. Dunstan (1991) Tune: THORNBURY ( D)
First sunday in lent
“Jesus sought me” | Luke 5:1-11 & Psalm 25:1-10
Hymns and Congregational Songs
“You Sought Me” [↗]
Free use. Words: Anna Strickland (2023) Tune: ERHALT UNS, HERR (“I Come to You” [↗]
Words: Hannah C. Brown (2023) Tune: WAYFARING STRANGER (“I Sought the Lord” [↗]
Public domain. Words: Jean Ingelow (1878) Tune: PEACE (“I Choose You” [↗]
Words and music: Richard Bruxvoort Colligan (2017)“The Summons” [↗]
Words: John L. Bell (1987) Tune: KELVINGROVE (“You Walk Along Our Shoreline” [↗]
Words: Sylvia G. Dunstan (1991) Tune: AURELIA ( D)
second sunday in lent
“Rescue me from danger” | Matthew 14:22-33 & Psalm 22:23-31
Songs for Listening, Preludes, or Special Music
“Little Blue” by Jacob Collier, feat. Brandi Carlile [↗]
“Inland” by Jars of Clay [↗]
“Rescue Me” by The Brilliance [↗]
“You’ll Never Walk Alone” from Carousel [↗]
“In Times of Trouble” by The Porter’s Gate [↗]
“Nothing to Fear” by Paul Zach [↗]
“Anchor for My Soul” by Josh Garrels [↗]
“Never Gonna Let Go” by Caedmon’s Call [↗]
Hymns and Congregational Songs
“Into the Waters” [↗]
Free use. Words: Anna Strickland (2023) Tune: HERZLIEBSTER JESU (“Lonely the Boat” [↗]
Words: Helen Kim (1921), transl. Hae Jong Kim. Music: Dong Hoon Lee (1967)“Across the Sea” [↗]
Words: Hannah C. Brown (2023) Tune: O WALY WALY (“Come to the Waters” [↗]
Words and music: Sue Strachan (2007)“Precious Lord, Take My Hand” [↗]
Words and music: Thomas Andrew Dorsey (1938)“Out of the Depths I Cry to You” [↗]
Words: Martin Luther (1524), transl. Gracia Grindal (1978) Tune: AUS TIEFER NOT (“How Firm a Foundation” [↗]
Public domain. Words: “K” in A Selection of Hymns (1787) Tune: FOUNDATION (“Eternal Father, Strong to Save” [↗]
Public domain. Words: William Whiting (1860) Tune: MELITA (“Stand By Me” [↗]
Public domain. Words and music: Charles Albert Tindley (1905)
Third sunday in Lent
“Praise the mount” | Matthew 16:13-20 & Psalm 19
Hymns and Congregational Songs
“Here at the Peak” [↗]
Free use. Words: Anna Strickland (2023) Tune: HAMBURG (“Praise to the Lord, the Almighty” [↗]
Public domain. Words: Joachim Neander (1680), transl. Catherine Winkworth (1863) Tune: LOBE DEN HERREN (“Praise Ye the Lord” [↗]
Words and music: J. Jefferson Cleveland (1981)“When Morning Gilds the Skies” [↗]
Public domain. Words: German hymn transl. Edward Caswall (1854) Tune: LAUDES DOMINI (6.6.6 D)“Jesus! the Name High over All” [↗]
Public domain. Words: Charles Wesley (1749) Tune: GRÄFENBERG (“How Great Thou Art” [↗]
Words: Carl Gustav Boberg, transl. Stuart K. Hine (1949) Tune: HOW GREAT THOU ART ( with refrain)
fourth sunday in Lent
“I’m fixed upon it” | Matthew 16:21-23 & Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22
Hymns and Congregational Songs
“The Way” [↗]
Free use. Words: Anna Strickland (2023) Tune: RATHBUN (“When Our Confidence Is Shaken” [↗]
Words: Fred Pratt Green (1971) Tune: GRAFTON (“Be Thou My Vision” [↗]
Public domain. Words and music: Irish traditional, transl. Mary E. Byrne (1905)“How Can We Know You, Christ?” [↗]
Words: Hannah C. Brown (2023) Tune: SURSUM CORDA (“Through It All” [↗]
Words and music: Andraé Crouch (1971)“Have Thine Own Way, Lord” [↗]
Public domain. Words: Adelaide A. Pollard (1906) Tune: ADELAIDE ( D)“O Jesus, I Have Promised” [↗]
Public domain. Words: John Ernest Bode (1869) Tune: ANGEL'S STORY ( D)“Young and Fearless Prophet” [↗]
Public domain. Words: S. Ralph Harlow (1931) Tune: BLAIRGOWRIE (“O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go” [↗]
Public domain. Words: George Matheson (1882) Tune: ST. MARGARET (
fifth sunday in lent
“Teach me” | Matthew 18:15-22 & Psalm 119:9-16
Hymns and Congregational Songs
“Love Your Neighbor and Forgive” [↗]
Free use. Words: Anna Strickland (2023) Tune: REDHEAD NO. 76 (“Forgive Our Sins as We Forgive” [↗]
Words: Rosamond Herklots (1969) Tune: DETROIT (“Love for Enemies” [↗]
Words and music: Paul Demer (2020)“Help Us Accept Each Other” [↗]
Words: Fred Kaan (1975) Tune: ACCEPTANCE ( D)“Teach Me” [↗]
Words and music: Sandy O’Shea (2006)“Where Charity and Love Prevail” [↗]
Words: Latin traditional (9th cent.), transl. Omer Westendorf (1961) Tune: CHRISTIAN LOVE (“Teach Me Thy Way, O Lord” [↗]
Public domain. Words: B. Mansell Ramsey (1919) Tune: CAMACHA (
palm/passion sunday
“Songs of loudest praise” | John 12:12-16
Hymns and Congregational Songs
“Hosanna, Loud Hosanna” [↗]
Public domain. Words: Jennette Threlfall (1873) Tune: ELLACOMBE ( D)“All Glory, Laud, and Honor” [↗]
Words: Theodulf, Bishop of Orléans (c. 820), transl. J. M. Neale (1854) Tune: ST. THEODULPH ( with refrain)“When in Our Music God Is Glorified” [↗]
Words: Fred Pratt Green (1971) Tune: ENGELBERG (“Mantos y Palmas (Filled With Excitement)” [↗]
Words and music: Rubén Ruiz Ávila (1972)“Let All the World in Every Corner Sing” [↗]
Public domain. Words: George Herbert (1633) Tune: AUGUSTINE (“For the Music of Creation” [↗]
Words: Shirley Erena Murray (1992) Tune: RUSTINGTON ( D)“When the Morning Stars Together” [↗]
Words: Albert F. Bayly (1969) Tune: WEISSE FLAGGEN ( D)“Weary of All Trumpeting” [↗]
Words: Martin H. Franzmann (1971) Tune: TRUMPETS ( D)
maundy thursday
“Streams of mercy” | John 13:1-20
Songs for Listening, Preludes, or Special Music
Hymns and Congregational Songs
“Pour Out Your Spirit” [↗]
Words and music: Christopher Grundy (2004)“Like a Healing Stream” [↗]
Words and music: Bruce Harding (2003)“The Grace of God Is Yours” [↗]
Words and music: Mark Chamberlain Kelso (2005)“Jesu, Jesu” [↗]
Words: Tom Colvin (1969) Tune: CHEREPONI (Irr. with refrain)“Come to the Table of Grace” [↗]
Words and music: Barbara Hamm (2008)“In This Room, a Towel and Basin” [↗]
Words: Carolyn Winfrey Gillette (2018) Tune: GALILEE (“Will You Let Me Be Your Servant” [↗]
Words: Richard Gillard (1977) Tune: THE SERVANT SONG (
good friday
“Prone to leave the God I love” | John 13:31-38, John 18:1-11, John 18:12-18; 19-27, & John 19:1-30
Hymns and Congregational Songs
“Ah, Holy Jesus” [↗]
Public domain. Words: Johann Heermann (1630), transl. Robert Bridges (1897) Tune: HERZLIEBSTER JESU (“Depth of Mercy” [↗]
Public domain. Words: Charles Wesley (1740) Tune: CANTERBURY (“O Sacred Head, Now Wounded” [↗]
Public domain. Words: Bernard of Clairvaux (12th cent.), transl. James W. Alexander (1829) Tune: PASSION CHORALE ( D)“Were You There?” [↗]
Public domain. Words and music: African-American spiritual“Broken Body of Christ” [↗]
Words: Lenora Rand (2019) Music: Gary Rand (2019)“Go to Dark Gethsemane” [↗]
Public domain. Words: James Montgomery (1825) Tune: REDHEAD NO. 76 (
easter sunday
“And I hope” | Luke 24:1-12
Hymns and Congregational Songs
“Christ Is Risen” [↗]
Words: Brian A. Wren (1986) Tune: W ŻŁOBIE LEŻY ( D)“Now the Green Blade Riseth” [↗]
Words: John Macleod Campbell Crum (1928) Tune: NOEL NOUVELET (“Because You Live, O Christ” [↗]
Words: Shirley Erena Murray (1987) Tune: VRUECHTEN ( with refrain)“Hymn of Promise (In the Bulb There Is a Flower)” [↗]
Words and music: Natalie Sleeth (1986)“This Is a Day of New Beginnings” [↗]
Words: Brian A. Wren (1978) Tune: BEGINNINGS (“Hope Is” [↗]
Words and music: Ken Medema (2018)“Because He Lives” [↗]
Words and music: Bill and Gloria Gaither (1971)
Second Sunday of Easter
“Here’s my heart” | John 21:1-19
Hymns and Congregational Songs
“Jesus Calls Us O’er the Tumult” [↗]
Public domain. Words: Cecil Frances Alexander (1852) Tune: GALILEE (“My Jesus, I Love Thee” [↗]
Public domain. Words: William Featherston (1862) Tune: GORDON (“Here Are Our Hearts” [↗]
Words and music: Susan Drake and Julie Jennings (2007)“Your Love Is Here” [↗]
Words: Lenora Rand (2017) Music: Hannah Rand (2017)“More Love to Thee” [↗]
Public domain. Words: E. Prentiss (1856) Tune: MORE LOVE TO THEE ( with repeat)“Love Is Not Always Comfortable” [↗]
Words and music: Christian McIvor (2021)“Something Beautiful” [↗]
Words: Gloria Gaither (1971) Music: Bill Gaither (1971)“I Will Sing of Your Love, Love, Love” [↗]
Words and music: Christopher Grundy (2018)
Songs for Listening, Preludes, or Special Music
Rev. Anna Strickland
Operations Support & Content Creation
Rev. Anna Strickland (she/her/hers) looks for the Divine in the everyday like treasure in clay jars and first encountered God in the integration of her spiritual self and artistic self. She is a native Austinite and graduated from the University of Texas where she now works in college ministry, especially serving LGBTQ students.