Outside the Box: Serving Together as Artists-in-Residence


From January 27 to February 1, 2020, the whole Sanctified Art team traveled from their homes across the country to serve as artists-in-residence for the Association of Presbyterian Church Educators Annual Gathering in Little Rock, Arkansas. The theme for the week was “Getting Outside the Box,” and this experience was outside of Sanctified Art’s box. While we have all led retreats, presented workshops, or served as artists-in-residence individually, this unique opportunity blended the talents and passions of our team in a new way.


Worship Art

When we arrived in Little Rock, we had one day to prepare for the conference, which included setting the stage (literally!) for worship. Hannah Garrity brought silk banners (20 feet long) she had painted based on our Let There Be Light paper lace banners. The imagery depicts light breaking forth, which beautifully illustrated the “Outside the Box” theme.

The Over the Hill Gang, a woodworking group at Ferncliff Camp & Conference Center, graciously partnered with us for the conference art. They took our sketches and ideas and built base supports for us to construct huge foam panels. The panels moved on the stage throughout the week to visualize an opening up of the box. Liturgists, speakers, and musicians moved within and among the boxes shaped by these walls.

During worship each day, Lisle Gwynn Garrity live painted an image that emerged from the text for the week, Luke 10:1-11: “Go on your way. See, I am sending you out like lambs into the midst of wolves. Carry no purse, no bag, no sandals; and greet no one on the road. Whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace to this house!’” (Luke 10:3-5) Each service, new layers of paint were added and the image came to life before our eyes.


Every element of worship was thoughtfully planned and blended the gifts of musicians, speakers, and our team. Sarah Are’s moving liturgy and poetry tied the services together and gave life and movement to the themes. Staged readings of poems for four voices bookended the week, opening our first and last services.

We included an opportunity for creative response in each service. Some of these elements were resources we’ve created before and felt tied into the themes for worship, such as our “Back to Back” worship film and visio divina, which Lauren Wright Pittman led using her image, “Let There Be.” Other elements were completely new ideas that emerged in our conversations about the theme, such as “rebuilding the box” out of our prayers.

You are welcome to download, view, and use our worship liturgy (w/ credit):
Worship A: Getting Outside the Box through Retreat
Worship B: Getting Outside the Box
Worship C: Discipleship Through Justice Ministries
Worship D: Discipleship Through Mission Ministries

Pop-Up Art and Spirituality Studio

While we are familiar with bringing liturgy and worship art to life in our resources, interactive art installations and prayer stations are newer waters. Lauren Wright Pittman and Anna Strickland planned several pop-up art stations outside the plenary space where people could engage thoughtfully and creatively with the theme. This included a mural designed by Lauren and printed on black mesh fabric, which attendees colored using oil pastels throughout the week. The backing structure for this mural, as well as many other structures, were also made by the Over the Hill Gang. We really could not have done this without their help!

In another room near workshop spaces, Lauren and Anna also set up a Spirituality Studio filled with prayer stations where people could stop in throughout the day for a moment of creative contemplation. Lauren’s beautiful branding tied all the pop-up art and Spirituality Studio stations together. You can download all the set-up guides for these stations here.

If you’re ever looking for new prayer stations or interactive art elements, you’re welcome to download our full instructions list of pop up art and spirituality stations:
Pop Up Art & Spirituality Stations (FREE DOWNLOAD)


Each member of the team also facilitated a workshop. Hannah Garrity taught participants to dye silks with permanent marker, which were then added to the worship space. Sarah Are led a workshop on craftivism, a movement that combines crafting and activism. Lauren Wright Pittman led an in-depth session on visio divina. And Anna Strickland facilitated a panel discussion with the whole Sanctified Art team discussing creativity and collaboration in ministry.

Getting Outside the Box

We are so grateful for the generous hospitality we encountered at APCE and this unique opportunity to collaborate together in a different way. Our heartfelt thanks goes out to all the volunteers, conference organizers, and attendees we encountered along the way. Thank you for joining us in getting outside the box with creativity, color, and contemplative practices.


Anna Strickland

A Sanctified Art Intern

Anna Strickland (she/her/hers) is currently pursuing her Master's of Divinity at Iliff School of Theology. She is a native Austinite and graduated from the University of Texas where she now works in college ministry, especially serving LGBTQ students. Anna loves painting, spending time outside, and her family.