How does a weary world rejoice? Music Ideas for Advent & Christmas
When our souls are weary, we turn to music—for cathartic release, to kindle the joy within us, to connect us to one another. Here we’ve collected hymns and songs that work well with our new Advent series, How does a weary world rejoice? We’ve outlined a list of recommendations for each week in Advent through Baptism of the Lord Sunday. We hope these lists help you plan meaningful worship services this season. Be sure to check out our Spotify playlist as well!
(Notes about licensing: While we do not own the licensing rights to these songs—other than the original hymns written specially for this series—we have linked to more information about the hymnals containing these songs or to other licensing options. Since U.S. law does not allow churches to “broadcast” recorded music without a particular license to do so—including music played in YouTube and Facebook live services—we encourage you to share recorded songs with your congregation by sharing a link to the video or our Spotify playlist in bulletins, emails, or social media to avoid copyright strikes in livestream worship.)
Original music for How does a weary world rejoice?
Rev. Anna Strickland has written 9 original hymns for this series (you will also see these linked in the weekly lists below). They are set to familiar Christmas tunes (public domain) with fresh lyrics inspired by our theme and weekly sub-themes. The hymns are free for congregational use. You can download a PDF with the sheet music and lyrics for all the hymns, as well as image files for including the hymns in bulletins or worship slides.
How does a weary world rejoice?
Music for all season
Service Music
“Doxology for the Weary” [↗]
Free use. Words: Anna Strickland (2023) Tune: CRANHAM (Irr.)“Alleluia Doxology” [↗]
Free use. Words: Anna Strickland (2023) Tune: HELMSLEY (“Go Out in Joy”[↗]
Free use. Words and music: Amanda Udis-Kessler (2022)
One or more verses of this sending hymn would be appropriate as a choral benediction during the series.
Songs for Listening, Preludes, or Special Music
Hymns and Congregational Songs
“A Word Went Out to Mary” [↗]
Words: Hannah C. Brown (2022) Tune: ES IST EIN’ ROS’ ENTSPRUNGEN ( with refrain)“God Be With Your Weary People” [↗]
Words: Hannah C. Brown (2023) Tune: TREASURED ( D)“Be Still My Soul” [↗]
Public domain. Words: Kathrina von Schlegel, transl. Jane Borthwick (1855) Tune: FINLANDIA (“Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee” [↗]
Public domain. Words: Henry Van Dyke (1907) Tune: HYMN TO JOY ( D)
*The tune HYFRYDOL (“Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus”) may also be used with this text.“Longing We Gather” [↗]
Words and music: Bret Hesla (2006)“Come All You Weary” [↗]
Words and music: Kate Bluett and Paul Zach (2021)“Arise, Shine” [↗]
Words and music: Keith T. Amano (2008)“God’s Love Endures Forever” [↗]
Words and music: Richard Bruxvoort Colligan (2004)“Te Alabamos en Todo Momento” [↗]
Words and music: Sonia Ivette Morales-Matos (2004)
First Sunday of Advent
We acknowledge our weariness | Luke 1:1-23 & Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19
Hymns and Congregational Songs
“Weary World Rejoice” [↗]
Free use. Words: Anna Strickland (2023) Tune: STILLE NACHT (Irr.)“We Bring You All Our Sorrows” [↗]
Words and music: Paul Zach and Kate Bluett“When the Weary, Seeking Rest” [↗]
Public domain. Words: Horatius Bonar (1866) Tune: INTERCESSION ( D with refrain)“The Soul's Only Refuge” [↗]
Public domain. Words: Anne Steele (18th cent.) Tune: ST. COLUMBA (“Precious Lord, Take My Hand” [↗]
Words: Thomas Andrew Dorsey (1938) Tune: PRECIOUS LORD (Irr.)“O Hear Our Cry, O Lord” [↗]
Words: Fred R. Anderson (1986) Tune: VINEYARD HAVEN ( with refrain)“Honor the Dark” [↗]
Words and music: Lea Morris
Second Sunday of Advent
We find joy in connection | Luke 1:24-45 & Isaiah 40:1-11
Hymns and Congregational Songs
“I Can Celebrate You” [↗]
Free use. Words: Anna Strickland (2023) Tune: CRANHAM (Irr.)“The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came” [↗]
Public domain. Basque carol.“Comfort, Comfort Ye My People” [↗]
Public domain. Words: Johann Olearius (1671), trans. Catherine Winkworth (1863) Tune: GENEVAN 42 (“Blest Be the Tie That Binds” [↗]
Public domain. Words: John Fawcett (1782) Tune: DENNIS (“I Come with Joy” [↗]
Words: Brian Wren (1970) Tune: DOVE OF PEACE (
*This communion hymn could be used at any point during the series, but is especially appropriate for this Sunday. If not celebrating communion this Sunday, verses 2 and 3 may be omitted.“Bring a Flower”[↗]
Free use. Words and music: Amanda Udis-Kessler (2023)“Where Charity and Love Prevail” [↗]
Words: Omer Westendorf (1961) Tune: CHRISTIAN LOVE (
Third Sunday of Advent
We allow ourselves to be amazed | Luke 1:57-66 & Psalm 126
Hymns and Congregational Songs
“Isn’t It Amazing?” [↗]
Free use. Words: Anna Strickland (2023) Tune: GLORIA ( with refrain)“Light Dawns on a Weary World” [↗]
Words: Mary Louise Bringle (2001) Tune: TEMPLE OF PEACE (“Bringing in the Sheaves” [↗]
Public domain. Words: Knowles Shaw (1874) Music: George A. Minor (1880)“Deep Within the Night” [↗]
Words and music: Bret Hesla (2020)“Your Love Is Amazing” [↗]
Words and music: Brenton Brown and Brian Doerksen (2000)“Our God Has Done Great Things for Us” [↗]
Words and music: Barbara Hamm (2006)“Majestic Mystery” [↗]
Words and music: Brian McLaren (2020)
Fourth Sunday of Advent
We sing stories of hope | Luke 1:46-55 & Luke 1:67-80
Hymns and Congregational Songs
“Lullaby of Praise” [↗]
Free use. Words: Anna Strickland (2023) Tune: WARUM SOLLT ICH ( D)“Lift Every Voice and Sing” [↗]
Public domain. Words: James Weldon Johnson (1900) TUNE: LIFT EVERY VOICE (Irr.)“How Can It Be” [↗]
Free use. Words: Carolyn Winfrey Gillette (2015) Tune: FAITHFULNESS ( with refrain)“Praise God Who Lives Within You” [↗]
Words: Hannah C. Brown (2023) Tune: HAF TRONES LAMPA FÄRDIG ( D)“How Can I Keep from Singing” [↗]
Public domain. Words and music: Robert Lowry (1869)“Song of Zechariah” [↗]
Words: James Quinn (1969) Tune: FOREST GREEN ( D)“Canticle of the Turning” [↗]
Words: Rory Cooney (1990) Tune: STAR OF THE COUNTY DOWN ( D)“Song of Mary” [↗]
Words: Miriam Therese Winter (1987) Tune: MORNING SONG (“Dream God’s Dream” [↗]
Words and music: Brian Sirchio (1992)“We Shall Overcome” [↗]
African-American spiritual“Magnificat” [↗]
Words: Taizé Community (1978) Tune: MAGNIFICAT
Christmas Eve
We make room | Luke 2:1-20
Hymns and Congregational Songs
“Make Room” [↗]
Free use. Words: Anna Strickland (2023) Tune: ST. LOUIS (“O Holy Night” [↗]
Public domain. Words: Placide Cappeau (1847), trans. John S. Dwight. Tune: CANTIQUE DE NOEL (“Joy to the World” [↗]
Public domain. Words: Isaac Watts (1719) Tune: ANTIOCH (“Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne” [↗]
Public domain. Words: E. S. Elliot (1864) Tune: MARGARET (Irr.)“Weary Travelers, Cease Your Roaming” [↗]
Words: Chris Shelton (2021) Tune: INNKEEPER (“While by My Sheep” [↗]
Public domain. German carol.“A Weary Couple” [↗]
Words: Adam M. L. Tice (2017) Tune: LONDONDERRY AIRE (“Good Christian Friends, Rejoice” [↗]
Public domain. Medieval Latin/German carol.“When Mary and Joseph Sought Safety and Shelter” [↗]
Free use. Words: Carolyn Winfrey Gillette (2018) Tune: ASH GROVE ( D)“If in Your Heart” [↗]
Words and music: Ana Hernandez (2007)
We root ourselves in ritual | Luke 2:21-38
Hymns and Congregational Songs
“Oh Weary Soul Return” [↗]
Free use. Words: Anna Strickland (2023) Tune: BEREDEN VÄG FÖR HERRAN (“Weary, the People of Earth” [↗]
Words: Adam M. L. Tice (2007) Tune: STAR IN THE EAST ( D)“How Blessed Is This Place” [↗]
Public domain. Words: Ernest Edwin Ryden (1924) Tune: O WALY WALY (
*VENI EMMANUEL (“O Come, O Come Emmanuel”) may also be used“Gather Us In” [↗]
Words and music: Marty Haugen (1982)“God Is Here” [↗]
Words: Fred Pratt Green (1979) Tune: ABBOT’S LEIGH ( D)“God, We Sing and Worship” [↗]
Free use. Words: Carolyn Winfrey Gillette (1998) Tune: NICAEA (“In the Breaking of the Bread”[↗]
Free use. Words and music: Amanda Udis-Kessler (2020)“A Baby, A Blessing! A Husband and Wife” [↗]
Free use. Words: Carolyn Winfrey Gillette (2017) Tune: ST. DENIO (
Baptism of the Lord
We trust our belovedness | Luke 3:21-22
Hymns and Congregational Songs
“From the Waters of Creation” [↗]
Free use. Words: Anna Strickland (2023) Tune: HELMSLEY (“This Is My Child” [↗]
Words and music: Christopher Grundy (2004)“When Jesus Was Baptized by John” [↗]
Words: Mary Nelson Keithahn (2007) Tune: JORDAN SPRING ( D)“His Eye Is on the Sparrow” [↗]
Public domain. Words: Civilla D. Martin (1905) Tune: SPARROW ( with refrain)“When John Baptized by Jordan's River” [↗]
Words: Timothy Dudley-Smith (1984) Tune: RENDEZ À DIEU ( D)“Pour Out Your Spirit” [↗]
Words and music: Christopher Grundy (2004)“Cuando Desciendo a las Aguas” [↗]
Words and music: Sonia Ivette Morales-Matos (2004)“Belong to You” [↗]
Words and music: Brian Sirchio (2018)“Today, We Come With Heavy Hearts”[↗]
Free use. Words and music: Amanda Udis-Kessler (2019)
Rev. Anna Strickland
Operations Support & Content Creation
Rev. Anna Strickland (she/her) looks for the Divine in the everyday like treasure in clay jars and first encountered God in the integration of her spiritual self and artistic self. She is a former teacher and college minister, a proud Texas Longhorn and graduate of Iliff School of Theology, a Baptist to the core ministering in ecumenical spaces, and a lover of chaos anchored by the belief that the Spirit is most active in the spaces between us.