Unraveled Intergenerational Art Curriculum + Children's Message Prompts

Unraveled Intergenerational Art Curriculum + Children's Message Prompts
[This resource is one of many in our Unraveled Series Bundle]
Imagine the Communion Table changing throughout the Unraveled series. First, torn fabric dresses it. Throughout the worship series, the congregation will take torn strips from the Table installation to create beautifully-woven fabric medallions. In worship, members can write prayers on fabric strips that will get woven into the medallions. Throughout the series, the unraveled components in the Table installation will diminish and transform into beautiful woven, round tapestries.
This project tangibly portrays God’s presence in our moments of unraveling as well as the promise that God hems us in—behind and before. When our plans fall apart, may God weave us together with love.
Download includes:
14-page PDF Curriculum with photos and step by step instructions
Curriculum includes ways to incorporate the project in worship as well as engage intergenerational groups in your congregation.
7-page PDF Unraveled Time with Children Prompts
Document offers prompts + a script (to adapt) for each of the 12 scriptures in the Unraveled series. You can use this to invite children to engage with the art project during the Time with Children in worship.
Credit Info:
Curriculum designed by Hannah Garrity & Lisle Gwynn Garrity | A Sanctified Art LLC | sanctifiedart.org