Draw Near Advent Banner Designs

Draw Near Advent Banner Designs
[This resource is one of many in our DRAW NEAR ADVENT BUNDLE]
This Advent, create beautiful sanctuary art to illuminate the Christmas promise of God drawing near to us. These designs by Hannah Garrity feature traditional Christmas imagery—the Madonna and child, a shepherd, the star of Bethlehem—in a swirl of light and foliage.
We hope these designs (and our instructional materials) can simply be a starting point for you to create art and beauty that is uniquely your own. Gather a group and create together, for the creative process is just as meaningful as the final result.
Download includes:
horizontal files to project and trace the designs into two 102" x 26.5" banners
written instructions with 2 options (summarized below) for bringing these designs to life in your congregation!
(Keep in mind: if you wish to create paper lace banners, you'll want to purchase photography studio backdrop paper HERE)
Creative Options (see written instructions in download for more info):
Option A.) Painted Banners
Suitable for: Youth and adults of all ages
Level of time, planning, commitment: (3 of 5 stars)
Process: Follow written instructions & tutorial video to project and trace designs onto kraft paper or canvas to create two 102" x 26.5" banners. Invite members to paint the designs using tempera or acrylic paint.
Option B.) Paper Lace Cut-Out Banners
Suitable for: older youth (with supervision) and adults
Level of time, planning, commitment: (5 of 5 stars)
Process: Following the tutorial video below and written instructions included in download, project, trace, and cut out designs on photography studio backdrop paper to create beautiful paper lace banners.
CLICK THIS LINK to purchase White Savage Seamless background paper that is at least 53" wide.
Follow the steps outlined in the written instructions (included in download) and tutorial video below. PLEASE NOTE: This video shows the process of creating our Advent 2016 designs. It says to create the banners 8.5’ x 2.5’. Disregard that information and follow the measurements in the written instructions.