Embodied Graphics

Embodied Graphics
[These graphics are 1 of 7 in our 2018 EMBODIED Lent Bundle of resources]
These graphics offer a visually engaging way for you to share our EMBODIED Lenten theme with your community. Download includes files for print and web so you can use them for projecting images and slides in worship, printing on bulletins, study materials, church publications, and advertising your worship on your website and online.
About the EMBODIED Theme:
Our theme for Lent 2018 is EMBODIED—a hands-on and hearts-full approach to discipleship, one requiring us to be present in our bodies and in the present moment. This theme reminds us of the ways Jesus fully integrated his humanity and divinity to fulfill his radical ministry. Similarly, we are invited to integrate our whole selves to fully embody God's love in the world.
Download Includes (16 total files):
EMBODIED logo (stacked + linear versions) in black and white with files for print and projection
EMBODIED icon only in black and white with files for print and projection
Collection of background slides (with logo incorporated) to use as background slides in worship or graphics online
Branding Story PDF with short written statement about the logo design by artist Lauren Wright Pittman
Credit Info:
Graphic art by Lauren Wright Pittman | A Sanctified Art LLC | sanctifiedart.org